Chapter One

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"You need to eat something."

The hero scowled wrapping both hands around their grumbling stomach. "You need to mind your own business."

The villain stepped forward slowly, arms held out in front of them, palms up. "You fainted on me last week, and I can hear how hungry you are. If you won't take my money, at least let me buy you some food. You help everyone, let someone help you for once. Don't let your pride stop you from taking the help you need to continue saving lives." The villain smiled crookedly. "To continue stopping me."

The hero sighed. "It's not pride." She grabbed the villain's hand. " where are you taking me then." She smiled, letting the male drag her forward.

The hero stared nervously at the clock while she waited for the food.

"What's wrong." The villain watched her fiddling with her hands, her foot occasionally tapping his leg.

"Nothing..." she turned her head finally facing the villain. "Do you come here often?" Her fingers gently tapped the table.

"Yeah." The steaming food was placed on the table, the hero's stomach grumbled at the savory smell. She stared hungrily at the plate but didn't move to take a bite. "Do you need an invitation?" The villain gave a seductive smirk slightly leaning forward."Or do you want me to feed you?"

Her face flushed. "N-no" she quickly took a bite, and hummed in delight. The villain watched her for a second before focusing on his own dish.

"I have to go." The hero pulled her purse over her shoulder.

"No, you hardly ate anything." The hero frantically glanced at the clock, then back to the villain's hand that gripped her wrist almost too gently. Tears built up in her eyes shocking the villain, his hand fell from her wrist. The hero had always been strong, never showed any weakness, she shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She walked out the door, quickly sprinting towards her home. The villain stared at the heroine's retreating form.

"Thought I wouldn't see you again." The villain spoke from the roof.

"That makes two of us." The hero rolled her eyes, standing next to the male. "What did you do this time." She accused, waiting for something to happen in the town below.

"Nothing." The villain smirked, "except for this." And jumped. The hero immediately jumped into action.

"Why, why would you do something so reckless!!" She yelled. "Baka!" Chuckling the male looked up to the angered female.

"I wanted to see what would happen." The villain gave her a look that made the hero's heart hurt. "I thought you were going to let me...die"

"No," the female helped him stand. " I would be bored without you." She blushed, hiding the words she truly wanted to say.

"Yeah, you'd miss me too much." He grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. "What would you like for dinner, honeysuckle?"

"Honeysuckle. Really?" She sighed. "I'm not hungry." She frowned as her stomach growled.

"Your stomach says differently."

She looked at him, "yes, well I really need to get home." She scrunched her nose, "I promised to make dinner tonight."

"I'll walk you home then." He walked next to her, his arm casually draped over her shoulders."You're so short!"

The hero playfully pushed him, "no, I'm fun sized!" The hero turned to face the villain, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow" the villain hugged her before sprinting down the sidewalk.

I watched the peaceful city waiting for Blade to create some sort of commotion. But he never shows up. I pace, chewing on my bottom lip. "Where are you?" I softly whisper.

"Who are you looking for?" You hear blade speak from behind you.

"Baka," you turn to face him. "You look terrible, what happened to you?" You rushed to help him, you guide him to the ground. You let your hands shakily press against the wound. He winces in pain.

"Sorry!" I glance at the knife, "I have to take it out..." I grip the knife, and pull it free.

The blood pours faster, you press his hands to the wound. "Put as much pressure as you can!" You stepped away for a second to call for an ambulance. Kneeling at his side you place your hands over his.

"Baka..." you felt tears rising, "don't die..." you half drag half carry him down to the sidewalk. You climb Into the ambulance after him. You watch as the paramedics work, zoning out for most of it.

"You can visit him now." The hero jumps from her seat and slams the villain's door open. "You scared me!!" The villain smirks at her, slowly placing his chocolate pudding down.

"Careful now, someone might think you care about me." The villain chuckles.

"I care about everyone!" The hero mumbles. "Why did you let yourself get stabbed anyway?" The hero tiredly collapses into a chair.

"I didn't let myself get stabbed! I'm not stupid y'know!"

"That's...debatable" the hero closes her eyes and listens to the villains rambling.

"Are you asleep?" I look to Ember. She is curled up, shivering in the uncomfortable chair. I sigh as I toss my blanket over her. I finish the last of my pudding, waiting for her to wake up.

"Mm" the hero hums, slowly opening her eyes. She tugs at the blanket pulling it closer to her.

"Goodmorning, sleepyhead." The villain smirked at the hero's small form. She stretched, before placing the blanket back over the villain.

"Thank you, for the blanket." The hero blushed. "I have to leave, my parents will be wanting to know where I am."

"Your parents?" The villain looked shocked. "How old are you?" The hero walked to the door, placing her hand on the handle.

"old enough to beat you and save the world." The hero left the room, leaving a confused and worried villain behind.

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