~ Chapter Three

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After Noir finishes studying, she closes her book and leans back, relieved that she is done for the night. Since she is free, she's planning on going to the river so she can see her little friend again. She's seven years old and doesn't have a place to call home, other than a hole in a hill near the river.

The river is called Petal Stream and runs for miles and miles. It has a metal bridge going from one end to another, covered in vines and white roses. The little girl, Lily, ran away from home because her parents are wingless. The wingless are souls who haven't grown their wings and turned them silver by the age of 21. They are despised and unfairly treated for their disgrace. Noir has high hopes that she doesn't become a wingless, especially because of the horrible things that have been happening to-

"Noir!" She looks around the room, wandering who has called her name. "Noir!" The voice calls, louder than the last. Noir starts to hear someone running, the sound of the footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer. "Noir!" She finally hears outside the room. Jake looks at the door and lets out a sigh.

"Alex, you shouldn't have come into the manor without permission. Come in here, now." Commands Jake. Noir nearly face-palms at the fact that she didn't recognize her best friend's voice. She feels like an idiot. The doorknob slowly turns and Alex inches open the door with a look of fear plastered onto his face. "You have been told countless times to get the guards to inform us of your presence when you arrive, even when invited. Punishment will commence."

Punishment? What punishment? Noir questions herself. As she watches Jake pull out a small plastic circle from his back pocket, she remembers what he was talking about. When people break the rules of a wealthy household, the one who takes care of it carves a small symbol into the back of the one who deserved to be punished. Noir looks at Alex, and he is wide-eyed, staring at the plastic container. Jake opens the container and pulls out a very thin knife that looks like a flattened knitting needle, but way shorter. As Jake approaches Alex, he backs up, but finally stands still to accept his fate. That has to hurt like Hell! Noir says in her mind.

She stands up and glares at Jake. "Jake! Stop it, now!" Jake's walking comes to a halt as he looks at Noir, wide-eyed. He instantly puts away the knife and slips it back into his pocket. Even if he keeps Noir in line, she is his master, and he has to obey. "Alex doesn't deserve any kind of punishment like that. He's part of the family, okay? Don't hurt him." Noir commands. Jake bows to Noir and apologizes. "I was out of line, Mistress. Forgive me." He turns around and walks through the aisles of bookshelves until he cannot be seen.

Alex stares at Noir with relief. "Well, that was unexpected." He says. Noir pushes in her chair and walks around the desk towards Alex. He lets out a sigh and pulls a paper out of his hoodie pocket. Noir watches as he unfolds it and opens his mouth to speak. "It's Annie. Annie Floridelle. She... Is not going to become a winged. She was slacking off and never tried to grow her wings until a week before they were due. I'm not sure what's going to happen to her, but my guess is she won't be living with her parents anymore. She is already being shamed from the others." Alex explains with sadness in his eyes. Annie was a dear friend to Noir and Alex. They were worried about her slacking off and never getting her wings based on how much she procrastinated when it came to schoolwork. Noir lowers her head and puts her palm on her forehead. This is just GREAT, she thought. Annie is a wingless and she's already being shamed.

She looks back at Alex to see that he's biting his nails. Again. "Alex! Stop it!" She commands. But he doesn't listen. "Noir, I can't help it. It's a habit." Alex huffs. Noir sighs.

"Well, I was planning on going to the river today. Maybe i can let off some steam there. Oh, and I'm going alone. So, you have to find something to do, cuz you ain't coming. You got me?" Alex makes a sad face and then turns to open the door. "Ladies first."

Noir turns to grab the book of the winged, her notebook, a water bottle, and a pencil and carefully puts them all into her grey backpack. She puts it on her back and walks through the door that Alex is impatiently holding for her. "What's that for?" Alex asks. What do you think? "I'm studying for my wings."

Alex pushes her out of the door and closes it behind him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She stumbles out into the hall and giggles. "Nothing much, dummy."

They walk out of the mansion and start down the road to the river. "What are you doing, Alex? You aren't coming with me, you know that." Noir says with a smirk. "Says who?" Alex playfully nudges her in the shoulder. "Says me. Now go!" Noir pushes Alex behind her.

Alex waves to her and starts walking the opposite way. Now she can go see her friend. She takes off her backpack and opens it up to pull out a water bottle, half empty. She pops off the cap and sips a little bit of it, trying to save as much of it as she can. The river is a long walk. When she sees her friend Cristen, she sighs. Before she can go to the other side of the street, Cristen sees her, and she waves to Noir, urging her to come into her yard. Noir lets out a long breath and says to herself, Great, another detour.

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