24 | cherry chapstick 2.0

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Clay's Pov

Jade and I walk down the stairs together, arm in arm, not drawing lots of attention while planning to walk out of this problematic frat party.

The scrape on my cheek is covered with a band-aid she found in the bathroom. There's also bruise on my cheek, a small cut on my bottom lip that's wiped but still exposed and I had a bloody nose but she wiped that too. I have cuts here and there and my knuckles look pretty bad. I don't look as bad as Ethan did though, He looked fucked up.

I'm still intoxicated, blinking slower than usual, more affectionate than usual, not too giggly though. I'm not as drunk as I was before, I sobered up lots, I urge a drink before we leave though.

I still feel guilty about fighting, I even apologized to Jade in the bathroom about it but she told me she wasn't angry. It threw me off a bit, it was unexpected of her. I asked her if she was okay because Ethan did say some messed up things to her but she brushed it off and even giggled at me, saying she's more worried about me. She said she isn't mad at me but more angry at Ethan though she appreciates my concern.

It was sort of refreshing that she wasn't mad but maybe she's more disappointed, I'm not sure. Or maybe she just doesn't care or maybe she's sad? I don't know, my head will start hurting if I think about it too much.

The party has went back to normal by now, the music back to the original volume, purple LEDS back on, everyone dancing instead of watching some low-budget WWE bullshit-

We make it down the stairs and I turn to Jade, running my hand through my hair, "I want another drink before we go" I give a small smile and she nods, we walk over to the counters together. Diana, George and Katie are there, they look up at us as we walk over.

"Heard you beat Ethan up so bad they had to carry him home" Diana sips her drink, pushing my shoulder as Jade and I stand next to her chair. I smile, looking down to grab one of the cups. "Well I hope you'll never feel my right hook in your lifetime" I joke, laughing lightly, Diana grins.

"Mix me something, we're heading out" I foolishly trust Diana with my cup, handing it to her. Diana smirks, grabbing the red solo cup and walking around the other side of the counter, where the alcohol is. "I wouldn't trust her with that if I were you" I sit in Diana's chair as Jade turns to me, speaking.

"I don't really care at this point" I state the honest truth to her, laughing. Jade scoffs, playfully. "I just know it's going to the strongest drink you've ever tasted" she smiles while speaking.

"So where are you two off to?" George comes from his seat next to Katie, speaking. I answer for both Jade and I, "Her dorm" I say casually, it makes Jade blush, knowing George likes to tease.

"Oh? You guys gonna have a little fun?" he raises his eyebrows, smirking. "Shut up 'cause we all saw you and Diana on the couch earlier" I tease back, grinning. George goes red, never able to take any of his own medicine. "I- Whatever" he sits back down, pulling his cup up to shield his blushing face.

I look over at Jade, who's taking a cup from the stack. I observe the short white skater skirt, she swapped the tight one out for in the bathroom. She said she found it more comfortable but It's not like I mind. She's looks better in these anyway, her soft thighs showing, the ones I want over my shoul-

Katie speaks, stopping my imagination from running wild, from imagining my head between Jade's legs in every scenario possible. I have an urge to touch her now after that crosses my mind.

"We also heard you two were doing a little more than just dancing together earlier" Katie continues George's paused teasing. I raise my eyebrow, wasn't Karl the only one there at that time? Jade practically reads my mind, "Is Karl like your messenger bird or something?" She speaks, distracted by the punch she's trying to pour into her cup.

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