23 | disrespect

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A/N: I wrote this chapter in third person just to test it out, I hope you like it. 

No pov

Clay gripped Ethan's wrist tightly, black nails digging into the skin. He was angry, furious even. What is this clown doing here? Clay thought to himself, a blank expression on his face as he stared.

He doesn't show anger on his face often or at all most times but his eyes look rather soulless when angry, no life in them. Violence and intimidation being his specialty.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul and Clay's can tell you his mood at any time.

Ethan on the other hand, smiles and jeers until he can't keep the act up anymore, appearing to be carefree and cocky but snaps if he keeps it for too long. Like a snake in the grass or a wolf in sheep's clothing, only a matter of time before he shows his true feelings. He was good at masking for long periods of time and Jade knew that better than anyone else.

Clay looks Ethan dead in the eyes with a dry stare, fighting to not scoff or laugh at Ethan's dumb outfit, the anger and frustration overpowering it.

How could he raise his hand to her so easily? Clay couldn't fathom an answer in his head to explain Ethan's lack of basic respect and human decency.

Motherfuckers like him are who people are talking about when they say they hate men.

"I fucking knew you were slutting around with him" Ethan speaks disrespectfully towards Jade, scoffing. Ethan's words anger Clay even more as he glares at him, walking in front of Jade, shielding her from Ethan. He then grabs Ethan by the collar of his jersey, pulling him roughly towards him.

"Don't fucking speak to her that way" Clay's voice was stern, cold but not too loud. He was trying to avoid causing a big scene like last time. Although people were already looking at them, it's not enough for a crowd.

Ethan smirks at him, hiding the anger with an amused expression. "Come on pretty boy, are you really still defending her?" Ethan provokes wanting to get more than just a nonchalant reaction out of him, which will eventually backfire because the more riled up he gets the harsher the punches he'll give.

"We were friends remember?" Ethan still has that cocky smirk on his lips, staring at him. Clay grimaces, "friends'' he focuses on the word, disgusted that he was once "friends" with a piece of shit like Ethan. Clay decides to play along before beating the shit out of him though, smirking too.

"What's with the football jersey, still holding on to your failed dream?" Clay speaks of Ethan's aspire to be a famous football player but his rich daddy who pulls the strings wouldn't let him.

Ethan scoffs, "Your one to talk about failed dreams'' he gets more serious in his tone. "What's the use of protecting a useless whore like her anyw—" he doesn't get to finish his disgustingly worded statement due to Clay swinging, punching him in the jaw so hard it knocks him back a couple feet.

Ethan falls back, bumping into someone that had two red solo cups in their hands. The cups fall to the floor along with the bottle of vodka Ethan had in his hand, him losing his grip from the harsh punch. The contents from the cups spill all over the floor, the sound of the vodka bottle shattering emits as well, it makes Jade and the people around them flinch turning to see what happened but Clay doesn't move a muscle, standing perfectly still.

"You never fucking learn, do you?" Clay speaks darkly, tone serious as he stands tall. He ignores his bleeding knuckles, staring, focusing on Ethan. Ethan holds his jaw, eyes getting darker as he stares back.

People are definitely staring at the three of them now, whispering. There goes not wanting to cause a scene.

Jade's eyes are wide as she has to quickly step aside when Ethan charges at Clay, tackling him to the ground. She flinches when Ethan punches him in the face, making his lip bleed. Noises come from the gathering crowd around them as Ethan punches Clay again in the cheek, making his head turn to the side, swallowing hastily, eyes shut tight, eyebrows creasing.

He's holding back.

And Jade could tell but she knew he wouldn't be able to hold back for long. She knows how he is when he's fighting. She's seen it but even so, she still can't watch it unfazed.

She stood in shock as Clay knees Ethan in the stomach, pinning him down instead. He punches him in the nose, making it a bloody one, blood still dripping from his knuckles. He breathes out panting, wrapping his hands around Ethan's neck and squeezing tightly. Ethan struggles, kicking frantically, head going from side to side in panic.

Clay's smirk is rather scary as he chokes him, Ethan struggles but manages to get Clay off of him, head butting him. Jade turns away immediately, physically cringing, it's too hard to watch for her. She finds the strength to move, pulling out her phone and quickly dialing Nick's number, she weaves through a couple people, going to some place quieter so he can hear her better.

"Hello?" Nick answers, "Clay and Ethan are fighting in front of the kitchen" She speaks fast, rushed, wanting Nick to hurry. "What?" Nick speaks, voice raising. "I'll be there in a second, I'm outside with Karl and Alex". "Okay hurry up" She hangs up the phone, turning to see the crowd of people still there, watching everything go down. It overwhelms her but she decides to weave through them again, making it back to the front.

Ethan immediately draws his unwanted attention to her, spitting blood onto the floor to speak, "Your whore of a girlfriend is back" Ethan speaks cockily, nodding towards her, never learning his lesson. He looks much worse than Clay but still continues to rile up his anger. Clay's had enough, currently losing the stability that's preventing him from just killing him.

Clay grimaces, punching him harshly in the same side of the jaw he did before, a crunch emitting. Jade has to shut her eyes at the noise, frowning. Fuck, that sounded bad.

"Fucking asshole" Clay speaks as he does it, Ethan winces in reaction, eyes shutting tight, spitting blood again.

Nick, Alex and Karl come from the crowd briefly after, grabbing Ethan and Clay so they have distance between them. Clay allows Alex to pull him off Ethan, knowing he could easily get out of Alex's grip if he wanted to but complying anyway.

Nick holds Ethan, while Karl steps between them but Ethan doesn't even glance at him, still staring menacingly at Clay. "Okay break it up boys" Karl speaks which doesn't change anything, Ethan is still set on Clay, who is looking at Karl, temper calming down a bit.

"Your gonna finish me off or are you a pussy?" Ethan speaks directly towards Clay but he just scoffs, ignoring it. "Ethan dude you weren't even invited" Alex answers instead, which makes Ethan finally look at other people, observing Karl and Alex's outfits. His eyebrows twist in unwanted reaction.

"What the fuck are you two wearing? Are you ga—" The expression on his face told Clay everything he needed to know. He ripped himself out of Alex's hold, punching Ethan square in the face before he could finish his sentence. He knew he would use something like that as an insult which made his blood boil even more, what a piece of shit.

It was unbelievable that Ethan's personality could get any worse but it just did. Who even thinks of using that as an insult nowadays? Clay wasn't surprised but couldn't help but feel disappointed.

He already disrespected Jade and he wasn't going to just stand there and let him disrespect Karl and Alex too.

The punch caused Ethan to fall back, Nick moving from behind him. His body fell to the hard wood floor, unconscious. Clay's hand hurt a lot after as he looked down at Ethan laying there, frowning. Jade doesn't give anyone time to praise him or for awkward silence, dragging Clay with her to the upstairs bathroom quickly.   

A/N: I wanted to test out third person :) going back to first person next chapter. THANK YOU FOR 7K!!

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