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Tw for this chapter

i'll put the tw at the beginning of where it starts

George opened the door to his house and walked in quietly, Wilbur was sat on the sofa on his phone scrolling through what seemed to be twitter,

"Oh hey lover boy" Wilbur turned around "Tommy and Toby are still asleep"

George sat next to wilbur with a bright red face "shush"

"George we all know you kissed him, it's kinda obvious we all saw you in the rain last night, i even got a photo!" wilbur smirked showing the photo

George shook his head, not wanting to see the photo, Wilbur nodded

"I'm going to go take a nap," george mumbled "im still tired" George stretched

George got into his bed, and before he knew it fell into a deep sleep,

but he didn't know that when he went to sleep it would make him more scared than he has ever been in his entire life,

:) tw starts here :)
(this font means he's in a dream)

George was in a field, he looked around all there was around was blue tulips,

"GEORGE?!" Two voices.

George turned around and saw what he didn't expect

Koby and Clay.

Both came running up to george

"THIS YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND?!" Koby yelled at george who stood back,

"george i didn't know you would get with me after your boyfriend died." Clay said annoyed

"wh-what-" George stuttered

"You got a fucking boyfriend after i died." Koby spat

"Your a disgrace!"


the words danced around georges head

Everything went white and george was in another situation, he was watching his 13 year old self

"NO STOP!" George yelled

His carer had him on the floor and was kicking at his stomach


"there's the word again.." George whispered

George was stuck he couldn't move, he was sat watching his younger self be beat, kicked, and abused.

George felt a knife go through his stomach as everything was black and he was in his room,

he looked up,

"koby." George whispered, Koby had stabbed him,

"Your a disgrace! a disappointment!" the ghostly figure said

Everything was blank. Gone

:) TW over

"NO!" george shot up and sat in his bed, he was froze he didn't know what to do

He looked at the time


Georges breathing was heavy, he didn't know what to do, his breaths were cutting short by the minute

Emotionless ↝ DreamNotFoundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin