Soulmates (pt.2)

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As George leaves the garage for fp1 I walk out the garage and into the paddock. I pace up and down a small section of it, trying to figure out what to do. "How do I tell him this. He is going to be so hurt." I say to myself as I continue to pace, racking my brain for ideas.

"Hey, are you ok?" Someone asks from behind me. I look up and see a tall girl smiling at me. "Not really. I'm just freaking out a little." I say with a small smile. "I'm Kelly, would you like to talk about it?" She smiles sweetly. "Y/n, and yeah that would be great." I smile. We sit down on the bench nearest to us and she turns her body to face me.

"Firstly. Who do you know here?" She asks. "George Russell is my boyfriend." I say with a small smile. "Oh that's great. I'm Max Verstappens girlfriend. Anyways. What are you stressing about?" She asks.

"Well. George and I have been dating for just over a month. And I really like him but our colors haven't appeared yet. I know some couples take some time. But today I met all his friends and as soon as I met Lando I could see colour, and Lando too. Which means that Lando is my soulmate and now I'm stressing because I don't know how on earth I'm going to tell George. I don't want to hurt him. I don't know how to tell him." I say, beginning to hyperventilate. "Hey, its going to be fine. Just take deep breaths." She says, gently grabbing my arms, trying to calm me down.

I take some deep breaths and slowly I feel myself calming down. "I think I'm going to tell him tonight. Or should I wait till after the race?" I question. "If you want to tell him, you can tonight. The only thing that matters is if you want to tell him now or wait a little." She says. I take another deep breath. "I will tell him tonight. I don't think I can stand going two days without telling him. I would feel so bad." I say with a small smile. I can already feel the nerves growing in my stomach.

After a great afternoon of George doing very well in the free practices we make our way back to the hotel. I quietly take in all the new colors. We make our way back to the hotel room. As we walk in I turn to George. "Can I talk to you, please." I say, seriously. "Yes of course babe. I'm always here to talk, what's going on." George asks worriedly as he sits down on the bed. I pace a little trying to think of how to say this.

"George, I'm really sorry do so that to you but I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't tell you." I say. "What's wrong. You're scaring me." George asks, standing up and placing his hands on my shoulders. I look into his eyes. "Please don't be mad, but I can see color. Which sadly means that you aren't my soulmate." I say softly. His face falls and he looks a little upset.

" We can't control this thing. I get it. Do you know who he is?" He asks and I nod. "So you aren't mad?" I ask quietly. "No, how can I be mad at something that neither of us can control. I will be fine. Is he in F1? Then at least we can still be friends and see each other." He says optimistically. "Yeah, he is. Thanks George, I wanted to tell you now because I will feel bad if I kept it from you." I say and he gets up off the bed, wrapping me in a hug.

"It will be fine. Now do I get to know his name?" He asks and I smile. "It's Lando." I say and he laughs, letting go of me. "What a lucky man. At least we can still be friends. Go, be with him. I will always be here." George says. "Thank you so much George. I was so nervous about how you were going to take it." I say and grab my phone, texting Lando to ask him if I can stay with him. Because it feel kinda awkward staying with George. He replies saying I can and I grab my backpack and suitcase. "Bye y/n, see you later." George says as I walk out the door. "Bye Georgie." I call out as I shut the door.

I make my way to Lando's room and knock on the door. He opens the door and smiles at me. "I told him and he surprisingly took it very well." I say with a smile. "That's great." lando smiles letting me into his hotel room. I place my bags down and walk over to him. Wrapping my arms around his torso. This just feels so right. Lando gives off a small sigh. "Does this feel as right to you as it does to me?" He asks and I smile. "Yes it does, must be the soulmate bond." I say and move my head to look up at him. "You are gorgeous." He whispers, looking down at me. "You aren't to bad yourself." I smile before Lando leans down and kisses me.

F1 & F2 Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें