Part 7

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(This is Britney pov)
We manage to finish the project in one afternoon. It felt a little awkward cause I heard them talking about me. But it's ok cause I don't ever need to talk to them again.

I'm eating lunch with Betty, Lila and Clara. Next to us there's Peter, Ned and mj but they weren't eating with us. "Betty can I ask you something?" I ask her. "yeah sure." I start whispering so no one besides us can hear me. "do you like Ned?" I ask. I know Ned likes her. Betty starts blushing. She likes him. "um I mean he's nice and funny and I think maybe." "you should tell him.. I have a feeling he likes you too." I say. "really?" Betty asks.  Flash walks up to us. "hey flash." I say. "hey Brie. there's that new movie uh i thinks it's called last night in something and I got early access tickets cause of my parents. Do you want to come?" Flash asks. "OMG LAST NIGHT IN SOHO?" I yell. A lot of people starting looking at me. "I think." Flash says. "omg yes I want to come. I love Edgar Wright movies!" I say. "great I'll pick you up at 8 tonight" flash says. "it's a date." Flash walks away and it hits me what I just said. "did you just say it's a date?" Clara asks. "I thought you didn't like him like that?" Lila says. "it just slipped.. I guess I can give him a chance." I say. "you really shouldn't." Mj says. "stop eavesdropping." Peter says. "oh so it's ok when you do it at home but when mj does it's not?" I say to Peter. "Peter agrees with me." Mj says. My eyes meet with Peters. "I don't think she should go but Britney can do whatever she wants." "I think you should go" Ned says. "I'm going. Like I'm gonna miss the chance to watch the one movie I'm excited for." I say.

I get home and do my homework. When I'm done it's 7 and I need to start getting ready. I wear a crop top and a pair of jeans. I'm debating on bringing my leather jacket I definitely didn't steal from Steve. "PARKER" I yell. Peter comes running in. "WHAT WRONG?" He yells, worried. "jacket or no jacket" I say bringing my jacket up to show him. "what the hell! I thought you were dying!" Peter says. "aww you would come save me." I tease. "yeah or else tony and Steve would have killed me." He says. "come on what do you think?" I ask. "well without a jacket, flash has the chance to give you his jacket when you get cold and you like that romantic shit. So wear a jacket." Peter says. I hear the door bell ring. I grab my stuff and leave my jacket so I can get there before anyone answers it but I'm too late. Bucky and Sam are essentially interrogating flash. "hi flash." I say from behind of Sam and Bucky. Sam and Bucky move to the side. "Hey." He waves. "umm let's go before these freaks start bothering you even more." I say. "Hey! I'm not a freak." Bucky says. "You have a metal arm." Sam says. "and you have a annoying mouth." Bucky says. "ok byeeee make sure you tell my dad I left."

We go to the movies and everything goes well. That is until we get about halfway through the movie. Flash puts his hand on my thigh and starts moving it up. I feel very uncomfy. He puts his hand on my body. I turn to face him to tell him to stop. He kisses me. In between kisses I try to talk. "flash please stop." I say trying to push him away. He doesn't stop. I get up and go to the washroom. I start thinking about what to do. I need to get out of here. I can't call my dad or any avenger or they would kill flash. I can't call Peter or he'll kill me for being naive or whatever. I don't feel close enough to call one of the girls. So I call the only other person I know who can drive. "Ned" "Hey Brie. What's up? Aren't you on your date?" He asks, worried. "I need to pick me up, please." I hear whispering but I don't pay attention to what he's saying. "Why?" Is he being serious? "Flash tried something." There's more whispering. "I'll be there in 5." Ned says. "Please don't tell p-" He hangs up before I can finish.

I go outside and about 5 minutes later I see Ned pull up. Peter gets out. "Britney what the hell happened?" He asks. "I don't want to talk about." I say. "I'm going to kill him." I hear Peter mutter. "Just drop it." I say. "fine. You're cold. You should have brought you jacket." He takes off his jacket and lays it on my shoulders. Ned drops us off. Me and Peter are about to walk in and he stops. "I know you don't want to tell me what happened but they're gonna ask why your back so early and you're gonna need to tell me or the team." Peter says. He really seems like he's trying to be nice. "he touched me in places I didn't want and I told him to stop but he wouldn't so I went to the washroom and called Ned." I say. "I'll kill him." "which is why I didn't call my dad or you" I say. "I won't tell tony." Peter says quietly. "thanks." I whisper. "but now I'm gonna be there any time you talk to a guy." Peter jokes. At least I think he's joking. "fuck you."

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