"Romanoff," the sound of Tony's voice coming through his high tech helmet was odd after having to communicate with him solely through the ear peace provided before the battle, "You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'"

It was as if you could hear the annoyed eye roll coming from Natasha as her modulated voice chimed in the earpiece, "Relax, shellhead. Not all of us can fly." The simple statement gave a pretty vivid scenario of how she was making her way to the core. Natasha's timing has always been perfect at she did not let her reputation dwindle as a few seconds passed and she elegantly made her way towards the team. "What's the drill?"

"This is the drill," Tony pointed to the core that stood behind him, "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we loose." Whilst he spoke, The Hulk fell to the ground and smashed two more robots that were about to attack the slightly distracted Avengers. He angrily stomped his way towards the others, grunting and huffing like always as he did so.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor cockily yelled at Ultron. The A.I in question raised his hand in the air and, on command, hundreds more of his henchmen came charging towards the Avengers at full speed, ready to attack.

"You had to ask," Steve said to his friend, his tone prominent with annoyance.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron told Thor in response to his question that was intended to be rhetorical. Riley cringed at the gruff voice that Ultron possessed; his voice became so annoying to Riley at this point that a single syllable out of his mouth could send their anger bubbling over the edge. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said..." Tony decided to speak up, turning to face Steve before finishing his sentence, "Together." Hulk roared in anger as the robots headed towards the Avengers, his booming yell of fury shaking the ground they all stood on.

Everyone bounced on their toes in short lived anticipation whilst the bots ran towards the team; some climbed over the pile of destroyed buildings whilst others flew. None of the enemies were slow, they all rushed to complete their one objective: fight.

Riley held their newly acquired tightly, causing their knuckles to shift into a paler shade of brown than their usual darker tone. They were preparing themself for the quickly approaching robot as it charged straight for them. They swung the staff at the bot, aiming to knock it towards The Hulk for him to destroy easier; that plan wasn't going to be as easy to accomplish. Although The Hulk was practically next to Riley, the sheer weight of these bots was the difficult part of executing the plan.

Riley decided to only move some of their load onto The Hulk when needed and settled for crushing their wiring to stop the thing making them sentient stop working. It was a difficult task now that Riley had to work close range to achieve the goal of defeating these bots but they kept underestimating the sheer strength that these bots held because of the material they were made of. Riley wasn't as prepared as they thought they were.

Seeing the others fight so effortlessly gave they a surge of adrenaline and confidence as the slammed their staff into a robots chest and lifting it up to throw against another oncoming bot. The performance was surprisingly successful, accomplishing the goal they set out to achieve but also managing to go even further- shoving their staff into the bot they attacked with its own clone.

The achievement filled Riley with the confidence they needed to push through the rest battle against Ultron's robot army. Riley used that same tactic multiple times during their fight to take amour multiple bots at once but also fought the enemies in other ways to swiftly drain the numbers.

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