Percy rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

Percy stared Nico directly in the eyes, one eyebrow raised, his head tilted a tad forward.

"Or what?" He was clearly just trying to get a rise out of Nico. "Huh?"

When Nico didn't respond, just stared at him blankly, Percy focused his attention back on Jason, pulling out a rag and a bottle of water from his bag. With the rag pressed against the top of the bottle, Percy tilted it just enough to wet a small patch of it.

With one hand stretched across Jason's jaw, gripping his chin, Percy slowly brought the rag to Jason's nose (as well as the area around it) and began clean it in small, delicate strokes. Hard enough to wipe the soon-dry blood but not hard enough to hurt - in case the ambrosia hadn't yet soothed all of his pain.

Jason stiffened slightly, shoulders tense, as Percy brushed the only sensitive spot now left.


"It's fine. Where are we?"

Percy snorted. "Ask Nico."

Nico huffed an irritated groan, standing quickly and twirling on the spot in order to get a full 360° view of the place they ended up at. (The place he got them to.)

"A forest, by the looks of it."


Percy grinned in an overly joyous way as he packed up the bottle and rag, blood-soaked splotches folded over neatly.

As he fixed his bag back on his back, Percy stared down at Jason, face serious.

"Ready for a day of bumping into trees? We're obviously not getting out of here any time soon. I don't trust Nico."

"Nico doesn't trust Nico."

Nico's comment made Jason smile.

With help from Percy - and none at all from Nico - Jason stood, his chest feeling exceedingly lighter.

Once standing, Jason did just as Nico had, twirling on the spot as he took in their surroundings.

"That's... a lot of green." Jason nodded, once, as he spoke, indicating with his head towards the large expanse of tree-filled land; an array of greens and browns arranged in a beautifully messy way.

"Sure is." Percy said, before starting off into the trees before him, only to trip on a large stick and go hurtling towards the ground.

From the ground, muffled, came: "I hate you Nico."


Jason blinked. "I-"

In unison, Percy and Nico quoted him in their best Jason impressions. "Don't think that's how it works," que distasteful stares,"we know."


"Nicooo. Help me uh-up."

When Nico ignored him, Percy shuffled onto his back and stared upwards.


When Nico made no sign of movement, arms crossed over his chest, Jason took a step towards Percy. "I'll help you."

"No. You will do no such thing. Nico on the other hand, will."

The corner of Nico's mouth twitched.

"I will do no such thing."

Percy whined, frustrated.

"Why are you such a brat? Jaaayyy-suunnn, why is he such a braatt?"

"Because I spend so much time with you. Unfortunately."

Percy's eyebrows knitted in confusion, his head turned in Nico's direction despite the log blocking him from Percy's view.

"You pronounced fortunately wrong."

This time, Nico took the few steps it took for him to reach Percy, stepping over the log and crouching at his side. He pressed his hand against Percy's right cheek.

"I did no such thing."

Two pats to Percy's cheek and then Nico stood, turning and heading off into the opposite direction Percy had originally.

Jason huffed a sigh, walking over to Percy and helping him up, despite how limp he instantly decided to go at Jason's touch.

"Come on, we've got some greenery to explore."

Percy's nose wrinkled at Jason's words.

"You were my favourite; and then you uttered that sentence."

Jason's stared at Percy's wondering figure, watching him head after Nico, for perhaps a second too long.

"Wait, I was your favourite?! And I didn't know???"

Next challenge: Texts.

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