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chanyeol could remember his family mentioning that if he was so sure about being a doctor, he will undergo the state of feeling lonely when he finally reached it. at first, he just shrugged their opinions off, thinking who would need a partner when you really reached your dream, your main goal in life?

but now, as he drives home in the night, the feeling of loneliness hits him again. he should happy that he's the person he dreamt to be ever since he was a child, but he doesn't feel complete at all. he felt the emptiest right now in his whole life.

he opens the door of his condo unit and was welcomed by the cold air and darkness, making him sigh and mumble, "i'm home," under his breath.

he opens the lights and sits on his couch, staring into space while the silence rang loudly. in deep thought, his phone vibrated loudly but he didn't hear it at the first three rings. but on the fourth ring, he was brought back to reality and answered the call, which was from kyungsoo, his best friend.

"yeol, are you coming tonight?" he asked as soon as he accepted the call.

chanyeol rolls his eyes before answering, "i don't know, i'm kind of not in the mood to socialize, soo." he replied while kyungsoo just sighs from the other line.

"you need to go out, yeol. if you want to meet someone, go out." kyungsoo said, "nayeon and me will be waiting for you at the restaurant. at least try to come, do it for your niece who has been missing you more than me." he joked the last sentence and gave his farewells before ending the call.

chanyeol sighs again and looks around his living room, contemplating whether he should go out or now. it was kyungsoo's restaurant anniversary celebration and since the restaurant was already close for customers, it was time for their family and close friends to celebrate with them. his mind was telling him to not go, he was tired after being in the hospital for two days straight and it was finally his day off tomorrow. his mind was telling him to rest while his body was telling him otherwise as he stood and went to the bathroom to shower and change into clean clothes for the party.

"you're only doing this for your niece, yeol." he reassured himself as he picks up his wallet and keys from the coffee table.


"wow, you really came!" nayeon exclaimed in shock to tease him. chanyeol just made a face, making nayeon laugh loudly, "i'm just kidding, yeol! i'm so happy to see you here! kyungsoo is at the kitchen if you want to see him while nami is with the uncles." she added before excusing herself to entertain their guests as she was in interaction duty while kyungsoo was in keeping-the-restaurant-clean duty. chanyeol gave his farewells to the busy nayeon and went to the kitchen first to congratulate his friend.

"amazing, he really showed up." kyungsoo exclaimed as soon as chanyeol entered the room.

"you know, you and nayeon are really a match made in heaven." chanyeol said while kyungsoo just laughed at him.

"i'll be serving your food in a minute, are you going to sit with the others?" kyungsoo asked as he helps his employees prepare the meals.

chanyeol places both of his hands on his pockets and nods, "i plan to, but i don't know where they are." he said, instantly making kyungsoo excuse himself from his staff.

he led chanyeol near the door that leads them to the main dining area, "they are at the back, i reserved the entire area for them and for nayeon's friends because I don't want their noise to disturb the elders." kyungsoo said and gave chanyeol a slight push, "go socialize, dr. park."

kyungsoo left chanyeol alone as he went back into busying himself with the food, leaving him no choice to walk through the busy dining area shyly. he was so close to the door when someone accidentally bumped into him from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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