College AU

147 4 0

3rd Person

Jessica Jones, studying to be a PI. Jessica was dating Luke Cage, who was just doing a regular four year stay. Luke's best friend was Daniel 'Danny' Rand, nobody knew why the rich boy was there, probably moral support for Luke.

Matt's POV

Matthew Michael Murdock was an up and coming law student. He and his best friend Foggy were going have there own firm and help people all while getting rich. Matt knew not a lot of people liked him as he was blind and was still one of the best in the class. Foggy and Matt were sitting outside on a bench. Karen Page ran over to them.

"Hey guys, did you hear Tony Stark is transferring to study hall?"

"Nope," Foggy said popping the p.

"He transfers every week, so not too surprising." Matt replied,

"Is that Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand?" Karen asked,

"Oh shit, yeah, it is," Foggy muttered,

"What's so bad about them?" Matt asked,

"Jessica wants to be a PI, and she likes to know everything about everyone."

"And she does! Since you just came back since they got here, Jessica probably wants to find out what she can about you."


"She's dating Luke and Danny's just the third wheel." Foggy added.

"Oh joy," Matt said sarcastically.

"Hey your Murdock, right?" Jessica asked,

"Yeah, why?"

"Why are there barely any records about you?"

"I don't know,"

"How'd you become blind?"

"I was hit by a truck,"

"Matt saved a guy and was hit by some chemicals and got blind! That paper was everywhere in Hell's Kitchen." Foggy butted in,

"Very modest, I herd from a guy that you got into a lot of fights and won all of them, how does a blind guy win a fuck ton of fights?"

"Luck I guess, but it may help that my dad taught me a bit before the accident."

"And his murder. Also tell me why you want to be a lawyer? And why the hell a fucking lawyer?"

"I want to help people and being a lawyer is the best way to do that, I can't exactly be a police officer." Matt said, Foggy rolled his eyes.

"Why are you rolling your eyes?"

"Because this is stupid! Your just integrating Matt and he's not even unpacked, actually he's got nothing in his droom room yet!" Foggy yelled,

"Well sorry I like to know things about people! And your friend here-"

"Best friend!"

"Your Best friend," Jessica rolled her eyes, "Has barely any records!"


"So! So I want to know, no I need to know!" Jessica yelled,

"I'm Daredevil," Matt said quietly,

"What? So, you just fake being blind, like an asshole or are you joking?"

"I'm joking," Matt said sarcastically, "No, I'm not faking being blind, I was trained by a blind guy named Stick whose an ass by the way, and I have like rader sense. And I know all of you are the Defenders, Luke Cage AKA Power Man, Danny Rand AKA Iron Fist, and finally Jessica Jones AKA Jewl."

"How the hell do you know that?"

"Do you really think that I, Daredevil, would let a bunch of people who could be amateurs for all I know parade around my city? So of course I dug into your backgrounds and really anything remotely close to you or your powers. I'll admit it was hard but I did it."

"Holy shit!" Danny said.

"That's what you were doing." Foggy commented, Karen looked like a proud mom.

"Why are there barely any records  about you?" Jessica asked,

"I actually don't know, it could be Stick for some reason but I doubt it."

"What that ex of yours?" Foggy asked,

"Electra? No, I don't even think she's in Hell's Kitchen, probably somewhere like California where she can use all of daddy's money."

"Wait, back on topic here, did you stalk use?" Luke asked,

"No, I listened to some of your fights and the end of your patrols to find out names and all but thats it." Matt said,

"I don't think I can tell you how creepped out I am right now."

"Yeah, me to Danny, me too." Luke said,

"We'll talk more later," Jessica said dragging Luke and Danny with her.

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