Nyneve looked the way Hannah was pointing. "Ah. You mean the man with the giant metal frisbee?" She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling as a small laugh came from Loki behind her.

"It's Captain America!" Steve yelled back.

Nyneve nodded with a serious expression. "The man with the giant metal frisbee." Steve groaned while Natasha smiled next to him. She was starting to take a liking to this mysterious new ally of theirs.

Hannah gave a laugh. "I feel better knowing the Avengers are here, then."

"They do seem like a handy bunch." Nyneve glanced appraisingly at Hannah. "Care to join us? I believe the good Captain and his frisbee were going to delegate tasks. We could use all the help we can in this battle."


"Meet you up there?" Nyneve asked with a quirked brow as she took Loki's hand again, preparing to use Thor as a focus point again to get them back up with the others. In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared.

"Meet you there." Water seemed to come from thin air and lifted her upward toward the others on the overpass. The water dissipated once she set foot on the concrete. "Hi." She held her hand out to Steve. "I'm Hannah O'Llyn."

"She's a good friend of mine," Nyneve said, standing with Loki next to Thor. "You can trust her."

Steve looked at both of them, then nodded, reaching out and shaking Hannah's hand. "Nice to have the extra help."

"Well, I live and work here. I'd like to help protect it." She looked over the others, noting Thor among them. "Probably also helps to have an Asgardian god on our side, a giant battering ram, and Iron Man. But there are a lot of them and only a handful of us, no matter how powerful all of us are. What's your plan, Captain?"

Before Steve could say anything, two Chitauri dropped down from a nearby building to land behind Hannah. Nyneve reached for her sword, gathering the power for a quick teleport. She never got to utilize it though.

A full-sized sedan went flying through the air toward Hannah, the Hulk throwing it quicker than anyone could react. In a split second, Hannah's entire body went from solid flesh to a human-shaped pillar of water, the therapist instinctively going to her natural defense against harm. She had also dropped into a crouch so the car just barely missed her, taking out the two Chitauri behind her instead.

"Will you stop throwing crap in my general direction!" she cried, causing the Hulk to blink in surprise. She was also aware of the eight sets of eyes on her as she returned to solid form. "Yes, I'm a mutant." She sighed. "Protecting the city comes first, though."

Natasha scoffed a laugh. "You're Nymph," she said.

"That's a name I haven't heard in a while." She looked over at Steve. "You were about to tell us the plan?"

Steve was about to speak, but Natasha called their attention to something above. Lifting their gazes to the portal in the sky over the city, the team saw two more of the large animal-ships come through, followed by a multitude of gliders.

"They are bringing forth reinforcements," Nyneve noted, one hand gripping Caliburn's hilt as she analyzed the situation.

"Call it, Captain," said Stark.

"Alright, listen up," Steve said, his gaze trained on the sky. "Until we can close that portal up there, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

A Legend of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara