the mission

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bens pov

             I got in the minivan that was provided and the rest piled in I started the engine and we got on our way. we were halfway there when I saw a sniper I told everyone to duck. gunfire rang in my ears while still driving Cillian shot him with his pistol. at least we had some fun before we got there. we finally got there and snuck inside. 

             we quickly found the room but it was full of guards so we made the most rational decision. we faced them head on. we all killed like 20. we saw erica sitting in a chair knocked out. I picked her up and held her bridal style. but we weren't out of the woods yet. just then 7 guards came out of another door and spoted us. chip and jawa knocked them unconscious. we planed to get out through the emergency door but JAWS agents were everywhere. so we went on the roof it wasn't spacious but it had a way out. we shimmied down a drainpipe and got to the car. We put erica in shotgun with me driving.  we were almost there when erica woke up kicking. after about a minute of that she came to the realization that she was in a car and she fell silent. "thanks guys." she said "and you ben" she said again and kissed him on the cheek. we arrived at 0200 went to the dorms and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. I kissed erica goodnight and went to my dorm we had a debriefing tomorrow.

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