Chapter 7

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I wake up in Danny's arms. I feel a wave of guilt flush over my body.

"Hey." Danny says half awake.

"Hey." I reply with a smile.

The door flies open and Gooz stumbles in, he's flushed and out of breath. Danny and I both break apart and are on out feet now.

"Oh my God!" He says, fear spread across his face. "Rafe...he...he...broke out of the...the ward....they found him....this morning...he...was on the....side of the road..." He chokes out, fighting for his breath.

"Shit!" Breathes Danny, trembling.

"Where is he, Gooz?!" I ask desperately. "Is he okay?!"

"Not really...the doctors won't tell us...but he doesn't look good...uh...he's back at the hospital...." Gooz heaves.

Danny bolts out of the door, I follow after him. We get into his car and speed towards the hospital. Poor Gooz left in the doorway. Guess he'll have to run back.

Danny curses the whole way, yelling at anyone who remotely slows him down. It's scary to see him like this. I have to admit though, I did join in. My vision blurred with tears, my heart thundering, my head spinning. God damn it Rafe.

We pull up to the hospital, sprinting through the entrance, skidding through the corridor.

"Where's Rafe McCawley?" Splutters Danny at the desk.

"This way!" The head nurse demands taking us to along the ward.

We enter another cubicle.

We can't see Rafe, his bed is shrouded with nurses and doctors, pumping at his chest, yelling over each other.

My knees give way. They're resuscitating him.

Danny starts yelling. "What the hell is wrong with him?!"

A nurse enters from behind us.

"Please stay calm." she commands impatiently.

There's a sudden shared sigh between the nurses and doctors and they pull away. Rafe begins to cough and splutter.

"He's alright!" Announces the main doctor with a triumphant smile. "He's alright."

Danny tilts his head up to the ceiling and brings his hands up to his chin in a prayer position. "Thank you God!" He says quietly.

I stare at Rafe's cold, broken body laying on the bed. He's unconscious but I can tell he meant to almost die. He wanted to run away and disappear.

Rafe McCawley doesn't want to live anymore.

Rafe McCawley seeks death.

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