Chapter 5

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"He's never gonna get over this." Evelyn says softly, her eyes fixed on the floor.

"They took his wings...I took his wings..." I sob, total guilt swallowing me up.

"Don't be stupid, Danny. You weren't the one that hurt him. You just avenged your friends who died at the hands of some commander chief or somethin'." Evelyn spits, her eyes finally meeting mine. "It is not your fault, Danny."

I stare back at her. "I wish I could believe you, Evelyn." tears begin to fill my eyes, a huge lump forming in my throat. "If he...if he..."

"Don't you dare, Danny." Evelyn says sternly.

I get up to leave, I need to clear my head right now, but Evelyn grabs my arm.

"Please, Danny. Don't go." She says, her eyes locking with mine. "I need you."

There's something about her tone that makes my knees weak. I nod, before sitting back down again.

"We'll go and visit Rafe tomorrow, bring him some things to distract him." She says calmly, clutching my hand tightly.

"Yeah, he's gonna need it." I say, a hollow feeling in my chest.

Before long we're both dozing off, slipping away into darkness, our breathing in sink and hearts beating softly in our chests.

'Dear God, give Danny back his wings. Take mine if you have to just to get 'em.'

Is the last prayer I get in before I fall of the edge and plunge into sleep.

My dreams filled with my own guilt.

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