Part 3

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He should've expected it. He sort of even noticed it.

When Teacher Mama entered the classroom and had started the lesson for the day without handing out the results that she had brought with her. She usually gave them in the beginning of the class, but no one made a comment of this nor even noticed the sudden change of routine.

But Cahaya did.

He also found it strange that when she finally decided to hand the result papers she made sure it was almost dismissal.

She also didn't call out the scores from highest to lowest and instead just handed the papers one by one to them in no particular order.

And all that strangeness finally made sense as he finally had his paper in his hands.

And just like that... all the negativity came rushing back.

It was overwhelming, that feeling when he finally reached that breaking point.

He tried holding it back even when his eyes started getting teary, making him blink a couple of times and catching Daun's worried look.

And when Teacher Mama finally dismissed everyone...

He, of course, couldn't help crying as the students finally left the classroom for their next class. Daun who saw this dashed out, probably to call on his brothers-- the tattletale that he is.

Teacher Mama was immediately crouching by his side, a comforting hand on his back as she continuously assured him that it was alright... that it didn't matter...

But it wasn't just because of the stupid exam that made him cry, the exam had only been the final straw to the growing insecurity that he felt ever since that teacher had called him out for being incompetent.

Now that he had failed this exam, he couldn't help but find himself agreeing with that teacher.

He couldn't do anything right.

Everyone will mock him now that he had proven to them that he wasn't the super genius they thought.

And—how will his parents react if they found out he just failed an exam? And his grandpa—and his brothers—

"Hey, hey—"

He was jolted from his thoughts and sobbing when he felt another set of hands on his own clenching ones. He looked up to see Petir, his face frowning but there was no hint of disappointment in them. Angin and Daun were at his sides looking just as worried.

"W-what are y-you—"

"Daun called us from our classroom just as we finished classes." Angin hummed as he quickly took Teacher Mama's position who had stood up and headed for the door, probably to give them space.

"We immediately came here and Tanah quickly left for the teacher's office to call Atok." Petir explained to him gently, "And once Atok comes here we're going home."

"W-wha—but I still have classes—wa-wait... did you say 'we'?"

"Yup! We get to go home earlier!" Angin cheered, "Isn't that great?"

Cahaya looked down at his paper which he was still clenching, and felt the burning shame once more.

"No! It's not!"

Petir's frown deepened, "Cahaya—"

He slapped his hands away and shrugged Angin's off his shoulder, "I failed my exam because I wasn't good enough! I can't miss any more classes!"

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