this is a filler so it sucks.

the next morning briar slept in because it was a saturday. she woke up to toulouse swinging her tail in her face.

"what's the matter?"

the kitten simply got down and walked towards the door. as she opened the door toulouse started running down to the common room. she ran after her not being able to keep up, once she reached the room she saw her cat sprawling herself in front of the fire. she looked at the time and saw it was breakfast time when she noticed no one was in the common room. she was about to sit down and wait for her cat to be done warming up until she heard footsteps coming down from where the boys dormitories were.

"dean." she yawned.

"oh- sorry didn't know you were down here."

"how were you supposed to?" she questioned.

he got silent thinking until he finally spoke, "slept in late too?"

she nodded then looked over to her cat who already fell asleep.

"what's her name?" dean asked.


"like the aristocats?"

she smiled brightly, "yes, exactly. no one else has caught on."

"most people here don't even know what cinema is."

"that's odd." briar said quietly.

"right?" dean chuckled dryly.

they sat there in awkward silence for a few moments before the portrait door swung open with a thud.

fred and george came bustling in and quickly shut the door behind them. "filch- we were never- here." george said panting loudly running up to their dorm.

briar looked down and felt a soft tickle on her leg, she saw toulouse hugging her. suddenly coming to her senses and realizing how awkward the conversation with dean was she abruptly stood up picking up toulouse formed her lips into a line giving a small nod in dean's direction and quickly went back up to her room.

briar shut the door behind her and sat on the side of her bed realizing, 'i need to start talking to people' like actually talk not just give nods, small smiles, and hums as her replies.

so she stood up from her bed, not changing out of her sleep clothes or getting ready to look presentable, she ran down to the great hall seeing breakfast was still in motion.

her hair was knotted and very full, she was wearing an oversized shirt that said 'fleetwood mac' across it, and grey sweatpants. she forgot to put on shoes so her feet were cold as she ran through the halls. she was so focused on what she was going to say that she didn't even realize she bumped into draco malfoy.

"watch where your going."

she simply just looked at him and started running off again leaving him in awe of the 'disrespect' calling out.

"excuse you!"

but she didn't care about him as she entered the great hall and stopped searching for a certain redhead.

"GINNY!" she practically yelled.

ginny looked up with wide eyes. suddenly noticing all the eyes on her she straightened herself up and said in a calmer voice, "teach me quidditch?"


all of the rules of the game ginny explained went in one ear and out the next. she was mostly just focused on bonding with her and seeing what flying felt like. she didn't want to present to do something only she liked she wanted ginny to not turn her down, so she asked to do something briar knew ginny would like.

"no ones ever asked me to teach them quidditch before." ginny said shyly.

"really? you seem to be bloody brilliant at it."

she shook her head as she put on her gloves. briar followed in suit not really sure what to say next. ginny went to grab two brooms and handed her one.

walking out onto the pitch ginny rambled on and on about how she had been trying to get luna to learn but she refused. nodding along briar was only focused on her nerves.

"but i told her, 'i'll stay on with you' and told her how fun it can be once you get off the ground-"

"-i'm nervous." briar interrupted.

ginny looked down at her and smiled not saying anything. finally stopping in the middle of the field ginny stopped and told her to mount onto her broom.

getting antsy she did and once ginny left the ground she pushed off the ground slightly and started rising into the air. she didn't know how to stop it.


ginny flew up next to her. "brilliant isn't it? the air is just so much nicer up here."

"yeah- superb, um ginny how to i get down." briar asked while gripping the broom tightly.

"lean forwards slightly."

briar tried leaning slightly but as she did she saw the ground low above her and fell forward fast. she was plummeting down to the ground screaming not knowing what to do. she tried to pick the top of the broom back up but was too slow when she tumbled to the ground just closing her eyes before landing accepting her fate. she laid there for a few seconds looking up dumbfounded. ginny soon appeared over top of her.

"well, wasnt nearly as bad as i thought."

trying to sit up briar winced and fell back down as she grabbed her right arm. her and ginny locked eyes. after a few seconds of silence briar bursted out laughing. ginny, never seeing her laugh so hard was quiet for a second but then started laughing too.

"that was... amazingly terrifying." briar breathed out.

"now i know why no one has ever asked me to teach them quidditch."

"i liked it up until the little to no control part."

"we better get you to the hospital wing."

helping briar up ginny led her off the field. briar wasn't mad at ginny at all. quite the contrary. after that dilemma briar felt much more comfortable around ginny and she stayed with her as madam pomfrey mended back her broken bones.

briar and ginny became much closer than before which also meant she became closer with neville and luna. she spent most of her time with those three, cedric, and fleur and the other girls when fleur agreed to a break. being friends with ginny and neville also meant hanging out with hermione, ron, and harry sometimes. but she didn't mind, already being acquainted with ron and hermione.  weeks passed and cedric told briar that the next task wasn't until february. she had also heard mcgonagall announce that there would be a yule ball on christmas. briar's heart sunk at this knowing no one would ask her, and probably wouldn't go.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now