Chapter 30: Sam And Jane

Start from the beginning

At this, Jane began to feel angry.

"Now you're being unfair. I-I just can't believe that you would do this!" Jane said in mixed anger and pain. "You've always asked me for a chance to explain 'the truth' and now I believe, you're pushing me away? What's with you?" Jane said angrily.

"Jane" Sam began to say but Jane raised a hand to silence him.

"I guess this is goodbye forever. I'm moving to Troit tomorrow. I don't think I want to see you again, Goodbye" Jane said as she walked away.

"I guess this is for the best" Sam said.

"I guess so" Jane said and stopped momentarily and then she walked away.

"Jane" Sam called.

She stopped momentarily and turned to face him.

"Uh-um, I'll be there to, you know...see you off" Sam stammered nervously.

Jane nodded once and then she turned and walked away. Sam lay on the ground feeling sad, angry and lonely. The night didn't seem so beautiful anymore.

"Jane's moving so soon? It's unbelievable but I guess the farther she is from me, the safer she is" Sam thought.

Suddenly, John landed right before him.

"Pretty smooth huh? I knew this would be the best place to find you. I pretty much saw everything that happened" John said.

"YOU EAVESDROPPED?!" Sam roared.

"Well yeah, I couldn't spoil the perfect moment for you until you got all noble and 'it's not right for me to risk your life by being with you'. Sheesh man for crying out loud, that's the worst line I've ever heard. I would have gone with the 'Hi Jane, I don't want to see you anymore so bye-bye' line" John said. "I take it that you know she's moving tomorrow?" John asked.

"Yeah, it's unbelievable" Sam said.

"I can't believe this. You've been goo-goo over this girl ever since you met her and now you're just going to let her walk away?" John asked.

Eventually, Sam and John arrived at Sam's home.

"Yeah guys, I broke it off. Besides, long distance relationships never work" Sam said.

"That is by far the weakest, most horrendously ridiculous excuse an Anderson can ever make. You're forgetting that uh...YOU CAN FLY DUH?!" John said.

"You're right, how could I be so stupid!" Sam said and slapped his forehead.

"Finally some sense!" John said.


"Well uh..." John said scratching his head in an attempt to come up with other ideas.

Suddenly, he got one.

"What of your armour? If you wear it, you'll be concealed by the pure light and no one, not even ordinary humans will see you" John said.

"That is a great plan but...I don't want to do anything that will draw Supernatural Attention to Jane" Sam said.

"We all want what's best for Jane, don't get me wrong but she already knows your secret and is willing to share the risk. If you can't trust her strength completely, you'll be doomed to live the rest of your life in solitude" Nancy said.

"Nancy's right. Think about it" Lucy said and then they all went to bed.

Jane couldn't sleep that night. She sat in bed, lost in thought.

"I've lost my friends, my life here. I've lost...Sam too" Jane said putting her head on her knees in frustration. "If I hadn't been so mad at Sam before, things could have been different but...I'd have left and hurt him anyway. I guess this is for the best" Jane murmured. "I'll have to forget him and move on" Jane thought but in her heart she knew that she could never forget the adventures she had had with the Andersons.

Sam was the only guy she had ever really loved.

Finally, morning came. Jane and her father had an awkwardly silent breakfast. The Moving Van arrived soon after and everything was packed into it except the luggage which went into the back of Mr Power's Land Cruiser.

Jane looked around eagerly. She really wanted to see Sam one last time before moving away.


"Oh man! I promised Jane I'd be there to say goodbye! I hope I won't be late" Sam said and dressed hurriedly.

"Honestly, I'm totally against you dumping Jane in the first place. If I were in her shoes, I'd never forgive you" John said.

"That's why I'm thankful that you're not her" Sam replied. "I just want her to be safe".

"I still hate the idea of you dumping her" John said.

"You'd better leave now Sam or you'll never catch up to her" George said.

"You're right George, oh and tell Mom that I'm skipping breakfast for a very important reason, thanks!" Sam said as he grabbed his coat and took off.

Jane sat in her father's jeep and looked around for any sign of Sam.

"He's not going to make it" she thought.

Mr Powers sat in the Driver's Seat and turned to face Jane but Jane turned away.

"I know this'll be tough on you but we need this. I hope you're ready because we're leaving now" Mr Powers said.

All this while Sam was running towards Jane's at top speed.

"Are you ready to leave?" Mr Powers asked.

Jane looked around one final time and dropped unto her seat.

"He didn't make it. He failed to keep his promise" Jane thought.

Meanwhile Sam could see the Moving Van in view. He rushed up to the man packing the last bit of furniture and asked

"Excuse me Sir but where's the family that lives here?"

"You mean lived here" one man replied.

"What?" Sam asked in confusion.

"They just left. You just missed 'em" the man replied.

At this, Sam dropped to his knees.

"NO!" Sam screamed to the Sky as he pounded the ground with his fists till they were bleeding.

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