Chapter 17: Head, Heart And Destiny

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Saurian and Ephragon were fighting Trix who proved to be very strong indeed. Trix threw Revilexus Beams at them but they swerved. One hit the ground on which Saurian was standing and threw him off balance.

"YOU KILLED MANY INNOCENTS! YOUR TEAM KILLED EDAPHROGON, YOU TRICKED THE CHOSEN ONE AND NOW YOU ATTEMPT TO KILL MY SECOND BROTHER?!!" Ephragon roared and the ground began to quake as everyone but the Dragons shielded their ears. "NOW I'M MAD!" Ephragon roared and increased in size.

His wing span became wider and a horn grew from the top of his snout. His eyes glowed gold. His claws became longer and sharper than swords.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU SO ROUGHLY THE CONSTELLATION WILL LOSE A STAR!" Ephragon clutched Trix roughly in the face with his sharp claws.

"Now who is the chosen one?!" Ephragon demanded an answer.

T-Rexus raised his hands to the constellation and it began to glow red once more. A red beam descended from the constellation and struck Ephragon whose features immediately reverted to normal.

"There is no chosen one, chosen one" T-Rexus taunted Sam. "Those weren't prophecies, they never were. Everything you know about them were simply the hopes of Gon and Saur!" T-Rexus taunted. "Now tell me chosen one, what are you going to do?"

Sam began to think.

"Make your choice

Choose your path

Or you will fall

And lose your heart

The life of a Dinosaur you cannot seize

For high in the Sky it can plainly be seen

A choice you will be given to choose right from ease

With head, heart and destiny you will bring to them peace"

Sam reflected on the words of the prophecies.

"What are you doing?" T-Rexus seemed concerned as he thought Sam was casting a spell.

Then Sam said aloud.

"Will bring to them peace".

Then Sam thought to himself.

"Hmm, will, will, will. It's speaking of the future" Sam realized. "There is a chosen one!" Sam declared.

Everyone gasped. Sam turned to face T-Rexus.

"And even if I am not the chosen one, I will fight you till my last breath" Sam muttered.

"Very fine brains you've got inside that thing you call a head" T-Rexus said as he tapped Sam's head with a claw.

Sam pushed his hand away. The Sam gasped inwardly so that T-Rexus would not see.

"That was a test. The test of Head. I passed the test" Sam said and smiled slyly at T-Rexus.

"You know, I really like that smile" T-Rexus said.

"Gee, thanks" Sam said plainly.

"Keep that smile and we could a team someday" T-Rexus said.

"Sure" Sam said plainly.

Everyone gasped.

"Sam don't listen to him!" Jane screamed.

"And why should he listen to you?!" T-Rexus snarled.

"Yeah, why should I?!" Sam shouted.

Jane kept silent and was about to cry. Sam had never yelled at her before. Sam saw her tears and began to think,

"Man, I enjoy this role. The evil side is so much fun" Sam chuckled.

John tapped Jane gently on the back.

"Stop crying, Sam is probably just trying to make you feel bad. It's a guy thing" John assured.

"I deserve it" Jane said amidst tears.

"Sam, I thought you had forgiven her" John said.

"I have but that doesn't mean I don't want to get her back for all the pain she put me through!" Sam shouted.

Jane couldn't hold it any longer. The tears began to stream down her face.

"Jane, this isn't the time for you to be weak. Sam is on the verge of joining the evil side. This is the time for you to fight for him. Show him that you haven't given up on him. Show him that you love him. Jane, I know Sam. If you give him a sign that is enough, he'll be back" John said.

Jane nodded. She reached into her jeans pocket and removed Sam's crucifix. The one he gave her just before he fought the bullies.

"Sam" she called.

Sam turned to face her. She held the crucifix close to her heart and then she said.

"This is very precious to me. Guard it with your life" then she winked at Sam and threw it to him.

He caught it and held it close to his heart and shut his eyes for a while. T-Rexus tried to stab Sam with his claws but a strange unforeseen force threw him to the ground before his claws could strike Sam.

"I'm sorry Jane" Sam said with his eyes closed. "I will guard this with my life".

Jane nodded, smiling amidst tears. Then Sam opened his eyes and a powerful force from his body knocked all the Dinosaurs unto their knees.

"I'M BA-A-ACK!" Sam shouted.

John whispered to Jane.

"Told ya, Sam's just too much" he said.

Jane smiled and nodded.

"The human heart is very powerful...but destiny is much more powerful!" T-Rexus shouted and as he did, a powerful force from the Constellation cut the Earth into equal halves. And a voice said.

"This is the chosen one, listen to him".

Just kidding but a force really did cut the Earth into halves.

The Andersons 2: The ConstellationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon