Chapter 25: Rise Of The Golden Dragon

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Unmistakably, the Andersons saw the Dark Gryphon with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion.

"You always were foolish Golden Dragon!" the Dark Gryphon said.

Suddenly, it flew towards Sam. Sam threw a lightning bolt at it but the bolt didn't even bruise it. It hit Sam and knocked him to the ground. Then it blew concentrated Revilexus Rays on Sam. Sam fell to the ground on his knees and immediately he touched the ground, he had a vision. Sam saw lightning and heard thunder. He watched as the Dark Gryphon defeated all that dared to challenge him. He watched as the Dark Gryphon imprisoned their souls in a pool of fire and rock. In a pool of lava! In the pool of lava Sam fell into and then it hit Sam, the voices crying for help, they were the souls of all the people that the Dark Gryphon had imprisoned. Then Sam saw a vision of himself wounded, beaten, he saw himself walk to the edge of the pool of lava, he saw that he was bleeding from his chest and then he saw himself fall into the lava, then the vision ceased.

Dark Gryphon stopped holding Sam in the Revilexus Rays.

"Your will is strong, you still fail to give in to your evil instincts, you are pathetic" the Dark Gryphon said slashing Sam across the chest with his claws.

George threw a star shuriken at the Dark Gryphon but it shattered immediately it touched the Dark Gryphon. John was still too weak to fight. Lucy couldn't create any light because the evil forces around were too strong. Everyone was helpless. Dark Gryphon held Sam by the hair and raised him till they were eye to eye.

"Once again you have failed the people you loved. First, you failed your girlfriend..." Dark Gryphon said.

"Jane" Sam said weakly.

"Then you failed Edaphrogon. You failed Trix next and then Saurian, then your family, now you will make the greatest failure of all, you will fail...THE EARTH!" Dark Gryphon laughed scornfully.

"The Earth will never be yours" Sam said to the Dark Gryphon. "As long as humans live, there will always be hope" Sam said.

Dark Gryphon knocked Sam sideways with one of his forelegs.

"Hope has always escaped you. It's just a foolish fragment of your imagination. It always eludes those that wish for it. Hope only exists in the hearts of the weak. a coward. Hope is what humans use to run from their ultimate fear...Despair" Dark Gryphon said.

Sam got up slowly. He was bleeding from his chest severely.

"Your legacy will end here Golden Dragon. Never again will there be a Neutral with the strength to defeat me!" Dark Gryphon said.

Sam walked over to the pool of lava and looked into it.

"Keep running Golden Dragon, keep trying to escape your fears. You knew from the very beginning that there was no chosen one. All you ever did was to lead these people to believe that you are something you very well knew that you were not" Dark Gryphon said.

And then Dark Gryphon flew toward Sam and knocked him into the lava. Sam fell till he disappeared from view.

"You will never rise again! Not even a Neutral can rise twice in a day! Good riddance pest!" Dark Gryphon said. "And now to harm the people that the Golden Dragon cares for the most. I'll take you first John Anderson" Dark Gryphon said.

"No! Take me!" Jane suddenly called.

"Jane, what are you doing?" Lucy asked.

"You guys are too important to be destroyed. You can stop Dark Gryphon" Jane whispered.

"No, we can't" Lucy said plainly.

"You have a better chance of stopping him than I do" Jane said.

"Jane, this is not what Sam would want" Nancy said.

"Stay! I'll take care of Dark Gryphon!" George declared.

Suddenly, a light shot up from the huge gorge where the lava was. It was a bright white light.

"Ha! The destruction of the Golden Dragon is complete! His soul will forever be imprisoned in fire and rock! Don't worry, you'll all soon join him!" Dark Gryphon said suddenly snatching Jane and throwing her into the lava.

Jane shut her eyes tightly.

"Who is next?" Dark Gryphon asked.

"You!" a voice answered from behind the Dark Gryphon.

Dark Gryphon turned to see Sam holding Jane in his arms. Jane hadn't even touched the lava.

"This is...ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!" Dark Gryphon screamed in shock. "WHAT ARE YOU?!" Dark Gryphon screamed at Sam.

"You killed the good in the dinosaurs, killed T-Rexus, the princess, Trix, Edaphrogon and you tried to kill Jane" Sam said as he put Jane down. "You still don't know what I am? I am HOPE! I AM THE GOLDEN DRAGON!" Sam said as his eyes glowed bright gold.

The wind and fire surrounded Sam slowly until he could no longer be seen. Dark Gryphon tried to see through the fire but he couldn't. When the wind of fire slowly began to cease, a Golden Dragon suddenly burst out of it and attacked the Dark Gryphon. This Dragon had mighty features and was even bigger than Saurian. The Golden Dragon caught the Dark Gryphon by the neck and gave it a heavy slash across its face. Now the Dark Gryphon was injured. The Dark Gryphon tried to stab the Golden Dragon but its claws shattered the moment they made contact with the Golden Dragon's scales.

"Your days of hurting me are over!" the Golden Dragon said as it knocked the Dark Gryphon to the ground.

The evil constellation tried to attack the Golden Dragon but the Golden Dragon was faster and sent a vortex of fire towards the constellation. The stars in the constellation were burnt to nothingness and the constellation slowly disappeared. Immediately the constellation disappeared, all the dinosaurs snapped back to normal. They all stopped fighting and watched the skies as the Golden Dragon fought menacingly for their freedom. Suddenly, the Dark Gryphon conjured up a Whirlpool Of Shadow and ordered it to destroy the Golden Dragon.

"The Ultimate Sun Spark!" the Golden Dragon roared as it began to glow brightly and suddenly released a jet of fire upon the Dark Gryphon.

The fire scorched the Dark Gryphon and destroyed the Whirlpool Of Shadow. When the fire cleared, the Dark Gryphon emerged from it wounded.

"You are more powerful than I remember" Dark Gryphon said.

Then it lifted its arms towards the Sky and the dark clouds above began to spin round and round.

"You are too late though Golden Dragon. Once I get into your dimension, all of mankind will suffer three times the trouble you have caused me" Dark Gryphon said.

The Golden Dragon realized that the Dark Gryphon had created another portal through which it could enter Earth. All the Andersons realized it too and so did the dinosaurs and dragons.

John sat on Saurian's back and Saurian leapt into the Skies to help the Golden Dragon. Ephragon carried Jane on his back and they all flew in to attack the Dark Gryphon. The Dark Gryphon laughed and flew into the portal with the others right behind it. Soon, they all disappeared through the portal. And so it was that the final battle, the decisive battle between good and evil would be fought in our dimension...ON EARTH!

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