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A/N I have finally done an official casting for the Knights for this story. Pic above!

"Look, we've spent a week debating this. The longer we wait the harder it's going to be to take him down." Hux groaned in frustration from the side of the table. "The pilot is out of control."

"We need a plan. We can't just go in there guns blazing. There are still innocent people caught up in the middle of this." Leia countered quickly. "I agree that we need to stop him but we need to be smart about this and not create unnecessary casualties."

"You weren't concerned with the lives of the innocent when you and that pilot blew up StarKiller base." Pryde sneered and curled his lip in distaste as he eyed Leia who sat to the Supreme Leader's right.

"I don't think the First Order has any right to comment on life lost after what StarKiller base accomplished." Leia snapped back.

Pryde stiffened in his seat. "A necessary price-"

"Enough!" Kylo shouted angrily, cutting off Pryde's words and silencing the room. Kylo rubbed his face out of frustration and exhaustion. "If we keep bickering amongst ourselves then we will never get anywhere. I do not want StarKiller base mentioned on this ship ever again. And anyone who disobeys my order will regret it."

A silence filled the room as Kylo's words registered with everyone. A few officers shifter in their seats uncomfortably, ready got the Supreme Leader to lose his temper. They had seen his temper too many times when he was Commander and knew to be prepared. Kylo took a deep breath and cranked his neck before setting his helmet in his hand as his elbow rested on his chair.

"Princess, when is FN-2187 supposed to arrive?" Pryde's tone was one of condescension.

Everyone, even Pryde, knew that FN-2187 was now Finn. Finn had been in contact with Leia several times and she had convinced him to break away from Poe and his new right hand Lieutenant Connix. Leia was waiting for his arrival that would not only bring Finn himself, but all of Leia's personal belongings that had been left behind on the Resistance base.

"Finn is expected to arrive later today if everything goes according to plan." Leia answered.

Kylo sat at the head of the table in the council chambers. His Supreme Council was a pain in his ass. Checks and balances and running things by people. He wanted to find the Resistance and just blow it up and be done with it. Then his mother would be stuck on the Steadfast with him. But Kylo knew that wasn't the way to go about the situation.

The door to the chamber opened and his apprentice walked in slowly followed by Ap'lek who almost never let her out of his sight. Kylo was grateful that his helmet had been repaired and he was able to hide behind it. The new red veins that held the pieces together made the helmet more intimidating which was good. But often when they were alone his apprentice had a habit of tracing the lines with her fingers and almost caressing the helmet as it sat on his head.

He watched her walk across the room and smiled under his helmet. He could have watched her walk back and forth all day and never get bored. But the look on her face said that something was terribly wrong. Kylo sat up straighter and waited for her to stand on his right side.

"Apprentice, do you have information for me." Kylo asked Kiarie knowing she wouldn't speak to him first in front of the council.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. The Resistance, under General Dameron's leadership, has attacked four First Order planets in three days. They have stolen supplies and razed villages. All planets have been in the Outer Rim and he seems to be moving to his next target as we speak. A planet called Dandoran."

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