Side Story (pt. 2) - Happy?

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Thank you for the support for the last side story! <3

Reading comments makes me happy so tYy qwq

No main story this week-- here's side chapter pt. 2! :DD


      Ended on a dark thought, Kaeya couldn't resist but crawl under the covers, passing out into merciless sleep, in which he didn't have to think about anything.

      In dreams, he was the hero.

      "-ya! Kaeya!"

      He blinked. The blinding sun pierced his eyes as he jumped up, recognizing his father's voice. He quickly threw on his armor and adjusted the armored plates clumsily, racing downstairs. He barely had enough time to tidy up his messy blue hair before his father caught sight of him.

      "Oh good, you're awake. I was just about to send one of the maids up there to wake you." He grinned. "We're going a bit early to see Diluc. His advisor just informed me that the meeting had concluded."

      "Oh. Great." He tried to sound enthusiastic, but it came out bland and toneless. It was a good thing his father didn't pay much attention.

      In just a few minutes the Winery family made it to the Knight's headquarters. Kaeya made a move as if he wanted to join the other knights through the left door, but his father chuckled and pulled him away.

      "The festival is time for family. You're coming with us today."

      Kaeya nodded solemnly, but secretly excited. He has never been inside the Knight's Official Headquarters before, despite having a brother who was captain. He nervously trudged in after his father, who was greeted like an old friend by the other vision-bearers.

      "Master Crepus! How good to see you again." Jean said, coming forward to greet him. "We were just discussing your son's excellent performance with the attack of the hilichurls last week. If it was not for him, the festival would have been canceled!"

      "Glad to see that this little trouble-maker was great use! He's quite a handful at home." He laughed, clapping Diluc hard on the back. He barely flinched but squeezed his father's hand proudly, grinning in an embarrassed sort of way.

      Kaeya trudged silently in the background, unsure how to act in the face of the grand acting master. He was a bit jealous how everyone seemed to know each other for a long time, talking and joking easily. He felt left out, isolated in his own family. He slowly began to back out of the room, hoping to give the group some privacy. But he bumped into someone instead.

      "O-Oops! Sorry!" Kaeya jumped, quickly bowing at the stranger in panic. A small chuckle rang above him, and he flushed, straightening and staring at the ground.

      He saw the black heels impromed with purple jewelry and long dark stockings and recognized it to belong to none other but the only witch in the Knights...Lisa. She was also the librarian of Mondstadt, rumored to chasing a traveler halfway across the globe to Liyue because they stole a book. Kaeya shuddered at the thought.

      "Well, what's your name, little one?" Lisa bends down, smiling at him. He flushed, never been addressed by such an important person before.


      "Miss Lisa! How good to see you. You look lovely today, as always." My father swooped in to drive the attention away from me. "Sorry about little Kaeya, he's a bit shy."

      "Haha, it's no problem. Is he also a member of the Knights?" Lisa asked.

      "Yes...he is. Downstairs at the quarters with all the others." My father glazed over, changing the topic quickly. "But er, what are you doing for the Windblume festival? Surely you have many admirers that send you flowers for the season?"

      "You're too kind, Master Crepus," Lisa laughed. "Though I do have a few, it's nothing compared to Miss Barbara. Did you hear that she has a fan club?" She winked.

      Kaeya was hurt, being pushed over by his father this easily. He was simply skipped over as if he was not even worth being in the conversation. He resumed his placement by the door with his back pressing on the wall, regretting his decision of coming.

      I should have just pretended to be sick or something. Maybe if I throw up now it'll be a decent excuse?

      "Kae!" He was startled out of his daydream by the calling of his nickname. "Are you okay? You look pale." Diluc walked around his desk to Kaeya, putting a gloved hand on the forehead, pushing aside his messy dark hair. Kaeya gently pushed him away, highly aware that everyone was watching.

      "I'm fine, Luc. Just...go back to do whatever you were doing." He pressed his palms on the wall, sliding down by the door. He was trying his hardest not to have another panic attack in front of the most famous members of the Knights.

      "You don't have to be embarrassed by me. I'm the captain!" Diluc ignored him but scoot closer to Kaeya, looking down with concern.

      "I- It's not you." Kaeya looked away, backing out the door. "I-I'm not feeling too well. I think I'll take a raincheck..." Kaeya trailed off. "B-But I'll be here for the actual celebrations, though." He added quickly, seeing the look of disapproval on his father's face.

      Before Diluc says another word, he dashed out of the office and ran outside, tears pouring down his face. He tried to wipe them away, but it only came faster now. Trying not to make a sound, he ran to a dark corner and hunched over, whimpering.

      Tears and snot stained his clothes, but he didn't care about it now. He was so intrigued that he didn't notice the footsteps of Diluc running over to him, and jumped when he touched his arm gently.

      "Kae-?" His voice was incredibly soft as he approached the knight that didn't respond. "That was my fault. I'm sorry, I was being incredibly insensitive. Are you okay? Please stop crying." He tumbled these words out, looking worried. Kaeya tried to stiffen his cries as quietly as possible and sniffed.

      "I have an idea!" Diluc said, standing up.

      "Every year the festival host these amazing games, you have to come with me this time!"

      What, so I can see you burn all the balloons with your cool pyro power and get a whooping 6000 score on your first try? Yeah, no thanks.

      He had to resist the urge to say that out loud. It'll be satisfying for a while, but the wrath of his father later will be so not worth it.

      Kaeya usually avoided these games in the festival, always surrounded by prodigies who could ace every challenge by using their abilities. Even though it technically counted as cheating, the audience usually didn't mind a show.

      He wasn't one for show-offs like his brother.

      But he couldn't bear to break the look of genuine longing on Diluc's face.

      Not now, not today, not ever.

      So he stood up, wiped his tears away, and smiled.

      "Anything for you, Diluc."

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