XVIII. time.

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The rest of the hour felt kind of awkward for both of you. Bringing a question like that a few moments before the class started seemed not to be the right time. But there was no turning back.

As the teaching finished and released everyone, you got up and quickly put everything that was on your desk in your bag in a messy way.

You wanted to leave before Kakyoin to avoid talking to him

You did trust him, but still feared that he could be playing with you or that he could not like you anymore.

But you did not realize he was not ready to give up on you, at least not right now.

You started to walk towards the exit but he rapidly followed you and caught your hand.

This whole scene was like a déjà-vu. The story repeating itself, but the situation was slightly different this time.

You were both in an empty hallway. The lights did not turn on when you got out of the classroom.

You turned to face him, as his eyes were following yours, shining in the dark. His amethyst orbs were filled with a mix of confusion and anger. His was lost in an ocean of misunderstandings. He could not read you.

" Where the hell were you going? " he yelled in a whisper.

" I'm sorry, " you tried to look away, but Kakyoin grabbed your chin and turned your head so that you had no choice but stare at him.

" We are going to talk, now. "

He aggressively seized his bag and walked without letting your hand go.

You were contrained to follow him - but even if you had the choice, you would still have followed him: he seemed so annoyed you did not want to irritate him more.

Most of the hallways were empty, each of your steps clattered against the floor.

You arrived in the campus' flower field, where you two shared a conversation on the bench.

He motionned you to sit while he stayed up.

" What's the issue, y/n? "

" I just- I needed to talk to you. "

" Oh yeah? While you were trying to run away from me? Don't act like I didn't understand your intentions. Now tell me, what is wrong? "

" I'm sorry for trying to run away, okay? That was dumb, I know I freaked out. I just don't know what are we supposed to be and I just wanted to be sure because everything felt weird well it felt weird for me like I'm not saying I didn't enjoy last night but I just wanted to know if you felt the same way but maybe it can sound dumb and I understand because it's so annoying that I need to be reassured everytime but I can't help it but if it bothers you- "

" y/n stop. Is it the only thing that's on your mind? Figuring out what we are? "

" I know it sounds stupid- "

" No, no, not at all. It's just that I was really scared but if it's only that, why are you so distant? "

You had to be honest with him now. As you took some time to think about what you could possibly answer, you got up, inhaled then pronounced swiftly:

" I'm afraid because I really like you and I've become very attached to you. "

Kakyoin stood in front of you, his mouth half open, not being able to articulate any syllable.

But actions are sometimes better than words.

With delicacy, he placed his left hand on your waist and brought you closer to him. His other hand went on your cheek like a magnet attracts a coin.

" Kakyoin, what are you- "

His hand left your waist to cover the back of your head. He gently pushed you in his embrace and remained silent for a few seconds.

" y/n, listen: I do like you a lot too. Now, if you are scared, of course we can take our time. Time is nothing compared to what i feel for you. Time is just another detail. We don't need to hurry things up. Take your time. Figure out what is truly on your mind. It'll be a pleasure to wait for you. "

" Thank you, Kakyoin. "

You tightened your grip on his dark green coat and burried your face in the crook of his neck so that he could not see you blushing after what he said.

Hugging him felt nice as always. You were overwhelmed by so many emotions that you decided to ignore them all. What was important was that Kakyoin's warm hold made you feel safe.

Noriaki's chin reposed on your head while his hand drew various shapes on your back. He decided to talk:

" Hey, how about we go painting this afternoon in the park? "

" Doesn't sound like a bad idea... "

𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 [kakyoin]Where stories live. Discover now