26 || dads, am i right?

Start from the beginning

"Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man.", never heard that one before, "The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in. You can't have it."

The floor could do me a favor and just swallow me. Please.

"Look, I'm no expert-"

Dad cuts him off, "In prostitution? Of course not. You're a senator. Come on.", he slaps his hand on the table and turns around to wave at the entertained crowd. He waves to the audience, then looks to me and Pepper. Both of us make it very clear we're unimpressed. He mouths 'No?' and we both shake our heads.

"I'm no expert in weapons.", Stern says, "We have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I'd now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor."

Ew. Justin Hammer. Another unpleasant man.

He walks in, much to nobody's excitement.

"Let the record reflect that I observed Mr. Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance."

Okay. That was quite funny, I'll give him that.

Justin starts, "Absolutely. I'm no expert. I defer to you, Anthony. You're the wonder boy. Senator, if I may. I may well not be an expert, but you know who was the expert? Your dad. Howard Stark. Really a father to us all, and to the military-industrial age. Let's just be clear, he was no flower child. He was a lion. We all know why we're here. In the last six months, Anthony Stark has created a sword with untold possibilities."

And now I'm not listening. I look around for something else to do. Anything else. Apparently, god is on my side, since my second favorite Phil (only losing out to Phil Dunphy from Modern Family) appears at the back of the room: Phil Coulson!

I get up and walk over to him, "Have we met before?", I joke.

"Aurora, is it?", he grins.

"Yeah, something like that.", I glance back at Dad, who has stolen my move of slumping in the chair, "Is there anything you- we can do to help him out of this latest mess?"

Coulson shakes his head, "Not this time."

I let out a loud puff of air, "He really isn't making this situation better for himself."

"He really isn't.", Phil agrees.

"Have you got any missions or assignments for me? Preferably ones that involve being away from home for an extended period of time? Also preferably in the upcoming week."

"Something going on at home?", Phil asks, chuckling slightly.

"Dad's making me go to Monaco with him and Pepper."

"An all-expenses-paid trip to Monaco? Sounds like torture.", Phil says sarcastically.

"With the world's biggest egomaniac it is.", I nod my head towards Dad.

"And Fury approved you to take time off?"

"Yep. I was hoping he'd say no, but he encouraged me to go.", I say.

"Weird.", Phil shrugs.

"Well, I will see you at work tomorrow.", I say.

"You don't work Sundays."

"I know, I just need to get away from my dad.", I shrug.

"Fair enough.", as I walk off, he calls after me, "Oh, and, Aria...", I turn around, "If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

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