Jin looked at Yoongi and laughed, "You can take a day off Yoongi-chi. Don't be so mean to the poor girl" he said politely and Yoongi only stared at him with betrayed eyes, "Don't tell me, she convinced you" he asked and Jin shrugged, "Well, I didn't agree for myself but I did say that you and the others will go" he said smiling at his now scowling face. "Uh, what's going on?" Ami asked confused watching Jin and Yoongi.

Jin looked at Ami and the rest of them before smiling, "You all have plans tonight. Make sure you dress properly and meet at the club 'Midnight Treasure' at 7" he said with a wink, pocketing his hands. Yoongi grit his teeth, "You can't do this to me. If we are going then you are coming with us too and that's final" he stubbornly said, getting nods from everyone.

Jin frowned, "No I'm not. You all are going to enjoy. I need to finish my work. Just go out and enjoy" he said waving his hand dismissively but nobody agreed with Jin. Namjoon pouted, "Hyung please. Just come" he whined like a kid getting weird stares from the rest of all. Jin looked at him with funny face, "That wasn't funny, at all" he said shaking his head slowly and Namjoon looked away in embarrassment.

Namjoon suddenly gasped, "If not the club then how about a date with me? We can spend some time together, its your choice" he said with sparkling eyes. Jin blushed and sighed in defeat, "Can someone kill him for me?" He asked looking at all of them but they all smiled shaking their heads. Namjoon stared at Jin excitedly, waiting for him to decide, so that he can plan.

Honestly, he wanted Jin to refuse for the club and go on a date with him but Jin did the opposite, "Guys please. Don't do this to me. I don't want to go there" he said trying to explain but Yoongi ignored Jin, "If I'm going down, you're going down with me. Be ready by evening, Namjoon will pick you up" he said coldly but Jin gaped dramatically at him, "How can you be so heartless?" he asked.

Yoongi shrugged with blank eyes, "That's my style. Now go back to your companies. I want to be away from people now" he said flicking them off, walking back to his cabin. Jin and the others watched him with open mouths except for Namjoon, who shook his head in disappointment but not surprised, "What will I do with him?" he mumbled staring at Yoongi's back.

Jimin's eyes sparkled with adoration, "He is so cool" he whispered, everyone's attention now at him. They looked at Jimin with 'Are you serious' look to which Jimin pretended to be unknown. He didn't care what the rest of them thought, for him, Yoongi is, was and will always be cool. Tae made a disgusted face, "I think I believe in 'love is blind' thing now" he said pointing at Jimin.

Others cackled at this but shut up when Jimin glared at them, especially Tae. Ami held Jin's hand, "We gotta go. See you guys at the club" she said quickly and dragged Jin out of there. Ami was excited, she hadn't been to a club in Korea and wanted to go once and now that she got a chance, she wasn't going to waste it. Already plans formed in her head about the night.

Jin huffed annoyed at being forced to the club. He wanted to find out about the reporter but he couldn't get away from Yoongi, 'That cat better run for his life when I see him next time' he thought angrily, killing Yoongi multiple times in his head. Ami sneakily even texted Hobi to get ready for the club, who agreed with her. All in all, they were all excited to go to a club except for Jin and Yoongi.

The day went by quickly and as it was decided, all of them got ready to enjoy the night. Jin wasn't excited as the others and didn't put much in getting dressed, unlike Ami, who was slaying the outfit. Jin being the older brother definitely opposed her dress but Ami flicked him off and got ready, totally ignoring Jin's whining.

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