"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask..." Emily stated once the teens had seated themselves, Bella standing by the door awkwardly. The woman had pressed a kiss to Mia's head before setting the basket of baked goods on the table, only noticing the new face once she had fully turned around.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared replied once Emily had asked who was in her house. A small conversation broke out between the two other females. Mia would've joined in; however, her eyes and thoughts were trained on the small crumb from the muffin that wouldn't move from Embry's lip. She was embarrassed at how badly she wanted to take it off with her own lipgloss stained ones. It wasn't until Sam walked in the door, planted a kiss on his fiancé and commented on how Mia hadn't picked up a muffin that she finally broke out of her trance. It was only then that she mumbled back an excuse to the alpha, the girl picking at the food she picked up as she looked up at Bella.

"So, are you a werewolf too?" The girl quietly asked once she had finally made eye contact with the only other person she knew personally in the room. The boys snorted at the comment, which made Emily slap their heads, soon quietening them down.

"Nope, I'm like you. I found out when my dad shifted and broke the back patio door window. It wasn't a fun ninth birthday. But don't underestimate me; I once knocked out Paul with one punch." The girl happily stated, remembering back when she accidentally elbowed the boy in-between the eyes when play fighting. Laughing filled the girl's ears as Jared didn't seem intimidated by the teen in the slightest.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of!" Mia scoffed out as she leaned over to try and kick the boy who sat opposite her.

"Don't take it personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake." Jared laughed in reply before Emily had to step in between the two as they had become rather violent in the last few seconds. The girl had been banished to the couch as she claimed they couldn't behave when next to each other; Embry soon following her as he stated his back hurt from the chair he sat on.

Mia felt a blush appear at the sweet gesture and gently knocked her knee against the boys once he had placed himself next to her. The teen's locked eyes for a couple of seconds. However, the smiles on both of their faces soon dropped once Paul came skipping into the house, Jacob a few steps behind.

The older wolf was quick to apologise to the girl who he snapped at, only to brush it off quickly once he spotted the two teens sitting too close for his liking. After grabbing a muffin, with a smirk on his face, Paul heavily placed himself between the duo on the loveseat that hardly fit them in the first place.

"Do you think if I throw a stick, he'll leave?" Mia huffed once she had moved from underneath the boy who had squished her. She hadn't even realised both Bella's and Jacobs departure from the commotion but soon saw their figures retreating once she had unhappily placed herself on the floor as the boys boney hip had started to dig into her side.

She watched as the two walked towards the beach. Mia had noticed how infatuated her best friend was with the girl but didn't have the guts to tell him she could tell Bella wasn't interested in the slightest. Jacob was sensitive; he had been ever since his mom's death, something Mia had only just missed when she moved in with Jay.

Speaking of the older man, the girls view of the couple was soon cut off once a body blocked the doorway to the home. Jay had finished his shift at the hospital, deciding to join the pack for the usual weekly campfire they held. He smiled when he spotted his niece, scrunching her hair as he passed to get to Sam and Emily, who greeted him with warm smiles.

It only took a couple of minutes for the boys to set up the outside area with logs and start a fire for the night. The sky had become dark quickly, the pack slowly making their way outside one by one. Mia sat beside Jay, rolling her eyes at how he scolded her for not bringing a jacket with her as La Push wasn't known for its pleasant weather. Embry noticed the slight shivering of his imprint, holding back only a second before changing his current position from the floor to sitting next to the brunette girl. His arm brushed against hers, her uncle already moving onto the following conversation with Paul.

"Take this. It's cold out here." The boy quietly said as he passed over the clothing piece he previously wore, now leaving the Call teen in a thin t-shirt he was accustomed to. He would never admit it, but ever since Embry found his imprint, he wore an extra layer of clothing just in case they were cold and needed it as with his heightened body temperature, he didn't need it. Mia gladly took the oversized apparel, quickly pulling it over her head, trying to subtly take in the musky smell of the boy, which was slowly becoming her new favourite scent.

"Am I ever getting my sweatshirt back?" Embry giggled as he looked at the happiness that covered the girl's face, which soon brought a large smile upon his own.

"Only if you take it off me yourself."

o. 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨.

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