"Hey! It's you, Rhys. Fancy seeing you here." I said, taking a seat beside him.

"Did I say you can sit here?" He said, looking at me with those mesmerizing grey eyes. His eyebrow raised in question.

I quickly stood up on my feet and waited for him to grace his permission to me to sit here.

"It doesn't belong you to anyway," I said with a duh. Rethinking about my actions.

"Just sit." He said with a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest.

I sat down and kept my face forward. I came here for a reason, minding my own business. I kept looking at the water and the sky, but the man beside me somehow made me restless.

I turned my neck towards him and found him having his eyes closed. As if he felt my eyes on him, he opened his eyes and made eye contact with me. My throat dried at his intense stare into my eyes.

I cleared up my throat and asked him, " I am new here, I don't know much about here. Would you like to tell me a bit about this place?"

He blinked at me and said with softness," Why don't you use google for it?" But it somehow sounded like he was talking to a child. Making me narrow my eyes at him.

"I don't have a phone for now. I need to buy it soon." I was lying. My phone was in my back pocket and on silent- which was a good thing.

I just wanted to talk to him.

His existence pushes me into curiosity about him.

He nodded his head and sat straight, pushing the sleeves of his shirt up. Making him look attractive, but I kept my eyes on his face. Not having him think I was a creep.

"This is not a big city. You can ask around for directions for wherever you want you to go," he spoke, moving his arm up and looking down at the watch latched onto his wrist.

I hummed, and when he didn't say or move his head, I looked away from him.

It was hard to approach him.

The vibes I get from him aren't bad. It is my gut feeling. Gut feelings are never wrong. You all should pay special attention to it.

"I came here to rest, but I guess it seems I can't here," he whispered loud enough for me to hear but not too loud for others to hear.

I opened my mouth in surprise and turned to look at him but found him walking away with his hand in his pants.

"Mean," I said nonchalantly.

My fingers went inside the pocket and pulled out the list that I wrote.

- find out in which city I am.
- work and earn money.
- Find Esme friends and ask them about her.
- Visit the old library and find stuff on the parallel world.

I cut the first two things on my list. I felt proud of myself, I completed the two tasks in two days.

I tapped the paper with a pen in my hand as my mind raced with thoughts.

I need Jake's help with the third task. Taking out my mobile, I looked at the time. It was nearly 6 pm.

Jake must be at the restaurant.

I decided to visit him there and eat dinner as well. If he is nice enough, I will ask him to make me the same pasta he did before.

I just fell in love with that pasta. It was heavenly delicious.

I took my time reaching the restaurant, thinking and just taking in the surroundings around me. The google map was of great help. Otherwise, I must have been roaming the city right now.

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