madison ziegler ; chloe

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chapter 2//

Madison Ziegler had shown up 3 weeks ago. Chloe was pretty sure she had been standing three feet away from a razor, locked in a stand off between wills. Right as she was about to crack and slash herself to sleep, a girl shimmered in front of her. Her eyes were blue and wide in fear, her brown hair down to her waist. Chloe screamed, probably startling everyone on the block. Luckily, her parents weren't home. She had breathily asked who the hell she was and what the hell she was doing in her house, because Chloe was pretty sure she had actually lost the battle between the razor a couple hours ago and was now hallucinating: it was the only plausible reason for the girl standing in front of her. She soon figured out that the girl was about as confused as Chloe was. Her name was Maddie, Chloe gathered. She was a year younger than Chloe, and just about as dark and depressed as her. Though she refused to tell Chloe about why her dress was stained crimson: and why a bruise was forming on her chest. Chloe and Maddie became easy friends: Maddie was a naïve, shy girl, as beautiful as the sunlight that shown through Chloe's window every morning. Chloe was a dark sunset, beautiful but deadly as it cried out that there was a storm brewing. They were a perfect match: soulmates.
"Chlo?" Maddie's voice interrupts her thoughts.
"Hm?" Chloe asks, tilting her head to look at Maddie as she slipped an earring into her ear. Maddie was watching her movements.
"Can I have a..pair..of..?"Her voice was tiny and scared, like she feared Chloe's answer.
"Earrings? But....I can't touch you." Chloe says. She puts her hand on Maddie's cheek for emphasis. It passes right through, and Maddie's fragile form shimmers. Maddie blinks a couple times.
"Oh....." Maddie says, fingering her ears.
"It's fine, Mads. Come on, we're going to be late." Chloe says. Maddie offers her a smile, but a dark emotion lurks behind the display of happiness.

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