13 - poison paradise

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I don't know what this is


This day was a very important day to every teen in your highschool. Every teen, including you.

A charity event was planned at your school, and it's basically a prom.
Everyone dresses up fancy and goes to a party that's at school, and the best thing is that it's all for a good cause.

These sorts of events aren't usually something that interests you. If there was something like this last year, you probably wouldn't have even considered going.

But this year was different, this year you actually cared and looked forward for going.


Because this year, you had a date.
Charli asked you to go with her, as her date. She used that exact terminology, 'date'.

And of course, you said yes.

Well, were you going as girlfriends?

Screw that, were you even going as anything close to being romantic, or was this 'date' completely platonic?

You has a tough time figuring that out.

You did kiss back then, but you haven't kissed ever since that one time and things have been kind of awkward.

It's like you took a step back all of the sudden, you could tell Charli wasn't as comfortable with showing you heavy affection like she was before you were nothing but platonic.

Something changed, and you weren't sure if it was for the best or for the worse.

She said she fell in love with you, but that's all she really did.
She didn't take any step further, there was no other move, and you couldn't help but wonder why.

You were trying to be patient and wait until things change, but it's been two weeks.

Two weeks in which nothing happened.

After you made up, you decided to leave the past in the past, you forgave Charli for everything that happened.

You could tell she never meant to hurt you, and that the whole thing hurt her a lot, too.

You went back to being best friends.

Just best friends, a couple of besties!


Best friends, but not like before either. There was this tension, it was weird at times and it felt like there was this strong force you were fighting.

You couldn't really explain it in words, but you hoped it would all just dissappear.

There were three hours until the bug event, Madison was helping you get ready.

Speaking of Madison, she still didn't fully forgive Charli for hurting you.
She was skeptical about the whole thing, about you going on another 'date' with Charli, knowing how much she hurt you and the fact that you still had feelings for her.

And while you were going through shops in the mall looking after a dress, she made sure to tell you exactly how she felt about it.

That slightly angered you, because her feelings weren't exactly, supportive.

And after about two hours of dress searching, you've had enough of it and just started walking away.

"Listen, I just don't want you to get hurt." She caught you by your shoulders, and you turned around.

"I remember how you felt when you found out about the dare thing. You were completely destroyed, you were always sad or angry. You felt like a stranger, and I don't want to lose you to that kind of heartbreak ever again. Y/n, I don't know how things are going to go, but there's a tiny part of me worried about all of this. I just can't bare watching you get hurt again. I'm not forcing you to do whatever I say, but please consider it. At least think about it." Madison said, her hands on both of your shoulders.

"I'm scared she'll hurt me too. Madi listen, I have considered this many times before. I spent a long time thinking about it all. I thought about the chance I might get hurt by her again, and to be honest, I am willing to take that risk. Because even if there's the tiniest chance I might get hurt, it means there's a way bigger chance that I won't. All I want is to be able to call that girl mine, and tonight, I'll make it real." You explained.

"Okay y/n, if you're going to go through with it, I'll help you." She nodded. "But I'll still keep an eye out for things. And I swear, if that girl plays with your heart again, I don't know what I'll do."

"She won't." You smiled.

After about another half hour, you found the perfect dress. It was everything you imagined, and it wasn't even that expensive.

Well, it wasn't exactly you who found it. Actually, Madison was the one who pointed the dress out to you and it was love at first sight.

You were heading back to the car with a big smile on your face, the bag with the dress held in your hand.

Extremely happy, you sung along to the lyrics with Madison at the top of your lungs in the car ride back home.

Madison had to go to

"Look at me." You said and softly raised her head from her chin, making your gazes meet.

The way she looked into her eyes made you know that this is right, this is what you should be doing.

With the confidence you now had, you clear you throat and began speaking.

"I gave you flowers, knowing that no flower could ever match your beauty.
We stared at the sky and admired the stars together, but the entire time I also admired you.
When I look at you, I take my time to focus on your every feature individualy, because I know are the most perfect thing I will ever get to look at.
Every single second I spend with you is a gift, the greatest gift I could ever ask for.
You make me feel so loved, with you I'm comfortable to be myself, with you I feel like I belong.
And, after all of this time we spent together, I finally realized something. I finally realized that I wouldn't ever want to spend that time with anyone else, I realized how lucky I am to have you.
Every day with you is the happiest day of my life.
So, will you give me an even better gift and make all of my days this happy?
Will you let me admire you, look at you and spend time with you forever?
Will you make me the luckiest girl on earth and be mine?"

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