4- no escape

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Yesterday seemed like a dream for both of you.

It was one of the best days you had in a while. In fact, it was actually one of the best days you've had in years.
Getting to spend the day with the brown eyed girl made you realize how much you missed having a friend your age.

Sure, you have Madison, but she's an adult. She goes to work, she has important things to do and sometimes just doesn't have the time to spend the whole day with you.

Madison is so amazing to you. She does everything she can, including changing almost every aspect of her life, to keep you safe, to provide you a home.
You help in every way you can, but there are still some things she felt like she needed to give up. She tries to make as much time for you as she possibly can, always wanting to be there for you no matter what.
To do that, she had to stop going out with her friends that much, which she had hoped they would understand, but as time went by the group drifted apart regardless.
She has also stopped going out on date completely, although many guys, and girls, try to take her out, she feel obligated to say no. For you.

You hope that now that you have Charli, you can convince her to take some time to herself. To stop putting all of her focus on you, and start investing in herself a little.

For Charli, it was a day of relief.
Finally, she spent the day in an environment she wasn't being judged in. She could talk about her interests without fearing anyone calling her boring. She could be herself without being judged. She felt comfortable, having the two other girls listen and actually be interested in what she had to say.

She missed having that. She missed having a genuine friend.

But then she remembers the circumstances, this was far than what it seemed.
That thought made her tear up a bit, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, threatening to leave.

After the phone call you had, both of you ate dinner and then facetimed while doing your homework.

Surprisingly, you didn't become as distracted as you imagined when Charli proposed the idea.

You two managed to finish everything quite quickly and had plenty of time to mess around later.

That call never ended until you had to go to sleep, spending more than five hours together on the same call.

Talking came naturally when it was the two of you.
That also surprised you, as you tend to get bored of social interactions a lot.
Maybe you just never met the right people to talk to? Probably.
You rarely meet people with the same interests as you, so meeting Charli which shared quite a few hobbies with you, was very refreshing.

The whole day made you fall asleep quickly like a tired baby, a smile stained across your face, unremovable.

Charli on the other hand, found it very difficult to fall asleep. She just kept thinking about you, powerless over her mind that just kept on generating new thoughts.
Eventually, she did manage to fall asleep. How? She imagined you were next to her, smiling peacefully as she held you.

Morning came sooner than ever.

Both you and Charli were very excited to wake up, knowing today was your first 'date'.

The school day went by in a blink, nothing really major or eventful happening in it, nothing worth to note.

You did have English together, but all you did was pass looks and exchange smiles over to the other, both not wanting to risk getting in trouble for speaking or passing notes.

You also spent lunch and every other little break you had together, but that was the norm by now.

You two started hanging out at school every day since that first day you talked, you were already quite comfortable and used to each other.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now