~Part 5~

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«Lee Felix» you replied with a normal tone of voice, trying so bad to control your emotions «What a surprise» you added formally.

He got taken back for a moment.

«W-wow, what a treat, it's been years, I didn't expected to find you here of all the places» he said starting to smile.

«You could have find me sooner if you bothered to come back to Sydney sometimes or just even call» you cut him off, freeing your anger.

He seemed hurt and eventually let go of your wrist, looking down on his feet.

«Life as an idol is not that great when it comes to external relationships» he argued weakly.

«It's not like I hadn't figured that out Li- Felix, but don't even think for a moment that I don't know that you are used to text the other guys every now and then» you corrected yourself in time when it came to call him by his name.

Addressing him as "Lix" was rooted in your mind, it was the natural way to call him even after all those years.

Still, he noticed it.

«You can still call me Lix, the fact that we didn't keep in touch all this years doesn't erase the fact that we were... close friends»

«Shut it Felix and get back to your mates, I'll get back to my life as well, like nothing happened» you snorted.

«Why can't we talk for a bit? I want to know how you are doing and how are things in Australia» he stops you from leaving.

«Come and check by yourself. As what regards me, it's none of your business anymore»

«But I still care, y/n»

«Fun» you stated coldly «It didn't seem like that to me»

«Alright, you won, I could have called you or just texted sometimes, now can we have a chat?» he seemed like a baby begging for a sweet, nothing like the sassy Felix you knew.

«You have changed» your's wasn't a question, it was obviously like that. Plus, you didn't had the heart to say a straightforward "no".

«I like myself more now» he smiled a little.

Your lips curved «Good for you»

Then, you sighed «You had your small talk, now get back to your business, will you?»

His smile became wider but sadder.

«I see» he simply said «See you, y/n» he added before turning around.

«Bye Lix» you greeted his back while he was stepping away from you.

You didn't even noticed that midnight already went off, probably in the moments were the two of you were "talking".

But now fireworks were sparkling in the dark Russian sky, lightning up a boy who was walking alone, his back curved and his eyes looking at the ground.

He truly seemed like a sad and lonely ghost.

Ghost of You /Lee Felix/Where stories live. Discover now