~Part 3~

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Moscow was surely cold in late December, so, instead of looking around, you simply jumped on the nearest taxi, asking the driver to get you to your hotel.

You still had the possibility to look at the city from the taxi's windows, and so you did. It was so strange to see the snow when, something more than a day before, you had to go out in sleeveless shirts and shorts. Well, that was how the world works and, as a matter of fact, you went to Moscow for experience a New Year's Eve with snow and cold, not at the beach as always.

Your hotel was pretty close to the airport, since it was cheaper, so your taxi drive didn't last long. Once you got to your destination the driver even helped you with your luggage and bags and so you thanked him with that little bit of Russian that you knew. Which, really, wasn't that much, since you had only learned some words specifically for the travel.

Carrying all your stuff you headed inside the hotel, finding yourself in a quite big and welcoming hall. The predominant colours were ivory, cream and light brown, with some dark red here and there.

You got fascinated from the architecture, so you stood near the entrance doors for more than a minute watching around before realising that you should had headed to the reception first.

A little bit embarrassed you got to the desk and told politely to a receptionist your registration information. Kindly smiling she passed you a keycard with the number of your room written on it and explained to you where to find the stairs, the elevator, the breakfast and dining room and, most importantly, your room itself. You thanked her with a smile on your lips as well and then you headed to the elevator, always gazing around.

There weren't so many people in the hall and the elevator came quickly, so you supposed that everyone was visiting the city.

It didn't take long to settle yourself in your room, since you basically kept all your stuffs in you luggages and bags. So, after you put them in a good place, you simply laid in bed, wondering what you should have done to let the time pass quickly. You could have went out for seeing a bit of the city, or just took a nap and then have dinner in the hotel's restaurant.

Honestly, you didn't feel sleepy or tired, so you got out of your bad, took your handbag and left your room. Once in the hall you asked the receptionist to hand you one of their maps and she also circled and explained kindly where all the interesting places were located. You thanked her once again and got out of the hotel.

The bus station was right on the other side of the street, so you just had to wait a few minutes and then got into the ride to the city centre.

It was almost five o'clock when you finally got down from the bus and it was starting to get darker and darker. You found yourself pretty close to the very centre of the city as you could see the edges of the Kremlin's Towers behind the roof of the other ancient buildings.

As the night was getting down to the city it also began to get colder so, in order to keep yourself warm, you started walking, directed to the main square.

There were lots of people walking as well, many Russian but much more foreigners.

English was obviously the most common language, but you got fairly more interested by the other languages that you could hear. People of other countries were indeed very interesting in your eyes, so you also began to look at their faces with crescent attention.

And that was the time when you saw him again. At first you thought that it was only his ghost, like the days before, but eventually you realised that it was really him.

You didn't really expected to find Lee Felix, now in his twenties with dyed long blonde hair, in the cold city of Moscow instead of detecting his black haired head in a hot beach in Sydney.

But so it went.

Ghost of You /Lee Felix/Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant