~Part 2~

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After some days from the opening of the box you were finally at the airport, ready to travel to Moscow and spend some healing time there. You were carrying your heavy bags and heading to the designated gate in a little bit of an hurry, since you didn't want to loose the flight, even if the last call was an hour apart from that moment.

Turned out that your hurry saved you, since it took basically more than half an hour for doing the check in and access the gate. Eventually, you made it through all and proceed to set yourself on the plane. You had bought a seat near the window, as you really enjoyed to watch the world from above, so you entertained yourself by watching the airport's staff getting all the luggages, making sure that the plane was ready to fly and scouting the passengers through the rail.

More time passed, but finally the pilot announced that they were ready to fly and the flight assistants started to acknowledge the passengers on what they should or what they should not have done in some certain occasions. Instead of listening, you simply took out of the backpack your earphones and, after connecting them to the phone, began to listen to some music. You were just hoping to get to Moscow as soon as possibile, and that flight assistant was making so much longer and boring. Besides that, you didn't really think that knowing those things would have saved you if the plane crashed somewhere.

At some point the assistant stopped talking and the plane began to move through the runaway, slowly at first. It wasn't the first time on a plane for you, so you didn't actually get scared or felt dizzy, you just stared at the world that was getting smaller outside the plane and while boosting your music.

Still, you hadn't took a plane since that time when Felix was eliminated from that mess of a survival show he had went through. That time you took a plane for going and seeing in person the busking event that his group had prepared actually, but eventually he was left out, so you found yourself comforting him and secretly praying that he would come back do Australia.

Which obviously didn't happened.

In the end he was declared able to debut in that group... and so you broke up once for all.

In order to shut those thoughts you boosted even more the music in your ears, but his ghost continued to hunt you until you fell asleep.

Once you woke up, thanks to the shakes of a flight assistant, you found out that the battery of your phone died and that you were at the first scale, in Seoul's Airport.

You sighed hard while getting out of the plane and then you headed with you backpack to a waiting room, where lucky you found a charging port. While your phone was charging and you were waiting for your call, you spent your time observing each people, trying to figure out what were they doing and where they were headed.

Before your flight was called you had the time to look after an insane amount of people. Once you even thought you spotted an Idol group, since they hair were all coloured and they were surrounded by many people and photographers, but you didn't bother to check out better.

Yeah, at that time you and Idol groups didn't get along well.

After that your flight was call and you head to the indicated gate.

Many time passed, but, after that, you finally found yourself stepping out of the Moscow's Airport, inhaling the cold air that surrounded Russia's Capital City in that day of late December.

Ghost of You /Lee Felix/Where stories live. Discover now