chapter 15

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i stood in the kitchen next to the sink with my arms crossed. i had told Garrett about Laim and Marcus being a thing. he deserved to know about his son being gay. Laim walked down and looked right at us. he looked surprised and confused. Garrett told Laim to sit down and he did so like he was scared of him. Garrett did most of the talking till he looked at me. 

"find him." he wasn't vary happy. i jumped up and ran upstairs looking for Marcus.  i found him laying in Laim's bed. he jumped up out of the bed and looked at me. i sighed and looked at him. 

"lets go." i almost whispered. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you." he snapped at me. he had good reason too. i came around the bed and dragged him out the room and pushed him down the hall. he stopped at the top of the steps so i pushed him again. he fell down the stairs and got up looking up at me as i came down the steps. i push Marcus to the kitchen and he stands beside me. i see Laim shake his head at Marcus. he seemed scared, but why was he scared? 

Garrett asked Marcus some question's. Marcus answered with fear in his voice. Garrett told Marcus to get out and never come back. i couldn't help but chuckle till Garrett threatened Marcus. Marcus was now angry and was looking at Laim. 

"he understands." Laim was the one to speak up. he seemed frightened as well. Garrett snapped at him to shut up making me flinch. before i knew it Marcus was sticking up for Laim. he wasn't scared anymore. 

"Don't talk to him like that. He's your son, don't treat him like shit." 

"Marcus shut up." Laim tried to get Marcus to stop but he wouldn't listen. 

"you beat him till he can't move for no reason. you disappear for weeks on end on a 'business trip'. he's your blood, why hurt him..." i stopped listening as i realized what i had done. Laim had changed since him mom died. why didn't i see it sooner. why did i have to do this? what have i done? i jumped and looked up when i heard Laim yell out. Garrett had a small knife out and Marcus took a step back. Laim stood in front of Marcus to protect him. they started talking again but i couldn't hear them over my racing heart. what am i supposed to do? this is all my fault. before i could do or say anything Garrett had slide his knife into Laim. has Laim fell to the floor he screamed for Marcus to run. Marcus took off running as i watched Laim slowly die. 

"now, now Laim. it's okay." Garrett got down to Laim's level. 

"It will only hurt for a bit." Laim spits in Garrett's face and growls. Garrett stands up and kicks Laim down. i start to panic and look at Garrett. 

"we need to save him." Garrett got into my face. 

"you speak a word of what happened and this will end up in you. find Marcus and put him down before he gets to the police." Garrett ordered me pushing the bloody knife into my hand. i take a gulp and nod. i take off out the house but not before looking at Laim. he was gone. my best friend was dead and it was my fault. screw finding Marcus, i had to get out of here. i had to hide. 

it has been a couple weeks since Laim died. i hide in the back and watched Laim's funeral. that bastard pretended to cry for his son. i needed to tell someone before it haunted me even more. before i knew it i was walking to the police department with my hands up. as i walked in they instantly pulled there gun's on me.

"I'm here to turn myself in." i spoke up not moving. an officer came up to me and handcuffed my hands behind me and walked me to a small room with just a table and a couple chairs. i sat down and waited. they had me in here for a long time. i sat there quietly before i noticed the door was open. i stood up when i noticed Marcus looking at me. he came at me with anger and slammed me into the wall. 

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