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Megan's pov
It was 7.30pm when I attended my last patient and I was leaving the clinic to go home. I quickly told my partners at work that I'm done for the day and I'm going home.
I had lovely colleagues at work, Dr Rose Quimby was an orthodontist and Dr Dan McCall was a prosthodontist like me and covers for me when I'm not at work. We have 2 assistants Greg and Luke and a receptionist Gemma.
I told myself that it's been 2 months since the breakup and I should stop blaming myself and start looking after myself. 2months of eating out of takeouts, I finally decided to go to trader Joe's and pick up items to make a quick meal and some snacks for the week. I absolutely loved trader Joe's.

As I entered the store, there was kind of a spark inside me. Gosh I was a 27 year old who found shopping for groceries fun. I asked myself when did I turn into such a mom?
I quickly picked up some cauliflower gnocchi and pesto sauce along with some spices. Got something to munch on as I realized I'm PMSing and some drinks.
Dinner I had in mind was some cauliflower gnocchi pasta with side of veggies and a glass of red wine. Everything goes with a glass of red wine. Everything can be solved with a glass of red wine.

I stood in line at the counter waiting for my turn. I was loading my stuff to get billed and I dropped my packet of smoked tuna. As I reached to pick up the packet. Another set of hands reached it before me and when I looked up, the first thing I saw was a pair of deep blue eyes. He was a very handsome man. He placed the packet in the counter and I thanked him.
I felt like I knew him from somewhere I just couldn't remember. Then I thought he must some kind of TV star because by looking at his face, his muscular arms and a very shredded torso which could be seen from his tight black t-shirt anyone would think so. I quickly said thank you and turned back to pay for my grocery.
I pulled out my credit card and handed it to the cashier and praying to myself that this time my card doesn't get declined. The buzzing sounds echoed in my ear as the cashier told me that my card was declined and I told him to try again even though I knew it won't work.
The man from behind he immediately told the cashier to put my bill on his tab and he would pay for it. I told him that it was okay and I'll return in sometime to get my debit card from home and pay for it but then he insisted on paying.
He helped me load my grocery bags in my car and I it quickly stoke me that I didn't thank him for helping me
I looked at him and I said -" thank you helping me Mr.." to which he replied -" Horan, Niall Horan"
My eyes grew wide, Niall Horan. The billionaire Niall Horan buys his own grocery from trader Joe's?
I immediately out my hand in front and said -"Hi, I'm Megan Elizabeth"
He shyly chuckled and said-" it was nice meeting you"
I asked him that how can I pay him back to which he replied-" No, it's alright but maybe we could meet for drinks someday or grab lunch if you don't mind"
My cheeks turned red and I said "that sounds good" and he swiftly removed his phone and handed it to me and said -" save your number and I'll do the same"
I jumped into the driver's seat and he also got into his car to leave. The first thought came in my mind was Woah that car is amazing. Even though I drove a pretty neat car but my land rover was nothing in front of that Porsche.

This was my first encounter with a guy in 3 years, I dated Ted for almost 3 years.
You know when you feel happy after a very long time, you can actually feel it physically in your body, I felt the same.
On my way home, I decided that I can no longer keep teds secret just to myself and I have to tell Courtney about it.
I had my dinner while reading a book and got into bed to watch a movie on Netflix. My phone rang and I saw a text message.
Niall: Hey, will you be free this Saturday?
Meg: Hi, yes absolutely
Niall: I just want to keep our date casual so I was thinking that we'll go to Santa Monica Pier and get something to eat afterwards
Meg: so this is a date?
Niall: umm I think so...
Meg: I'd love to go Santa Monica Pier but you have to try out a gelato place near by with me. Deal?
Niall : Deal🤝
Meg: Goodnight, I have a long day tomorrow. I'll talk to you tomorrow
Niall: Goodnight, I hope you have a great day tomorrow xx

That night I slept peacefully for the first time in months

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