He doesn't remember when the last time he took a break was.

He doesn't remember if he ate dinner.

He doesn't remember if he drank anything since they started playing.

He's too preoccupied with trying to keep his tears in and trying to ignore the pain that shoots up his ankle. It doesn't matter. He barely feels it over the rest of his pain.

He might even deserve it.

Serves him right.

He really doesn't want to keep moving.

Everyone else is running so much faster than him. He can't keep up with them. He will have to. He knows he has to. He just needs to try harder.

Why did he feel so bad?

"You're doing great Boggo!" Tobi praises him as he runs past, "A lot better than before!"

Not him. Not Harry. How could Tobi say that? He's not moving well enough. Wait, when did Tobi get out of goal?

His eyes well up again as he looks to the ground. He's not moving anymore.

His teeth sink into his lip. He draws blood. He barely even notices.

He doesn't want to cry.


He hears Ethan in the distance. His hands are still shaking. He grits his teeth.

"Harry? Can you hear me?"

He doesn't move. Ethan's going to have a go at him for not passing the ball well enough earlier. Or for not shooting when there was a practically open goal right in front of him.

Murmurs fill the pitch. He can hear them. They're judging him. He isn't strong enough to be here. They're pitying him. Poor baby. Poor baby Harry. Can't even dribble a ball.

A hand presses against his shoulder. A gentle pressure. It's grounding.

"Harry?" Ethan asks again.

He nods. He doesn't realise how quick his breaths have become.

Ethan notices what's happening and pulls Harry into his chest.

He's safe. He's safe. He's safe.

"You're safe. You're okay."

He's safe.

He gasps for air. Shuddering and quivering.

"Shh," Ethan comforts. "Just take some deep breaths for me, yeah? In and out."

Ethan's broad chest rises and falls against Harry's head. It's helpful. He tries to follow the way he breathes, but it's difficult.

He grasps at Ethan's t-shirt.

"It's okay." He whispers. "It's okay, it's okay if you can't. Just getting through it is brave enough for me. You're so brave."

Harry's sob echoes in his mind.

It's heart wrenching.

Everyone is stood scattered around the pitch, staring. They are closer than they were before though. He can feel it.

The atmosphere was tense, like a tightly wired guitar string, ready to snap. They all wish they could do something to help.

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