Chapter 15: No You Are Not

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A week has passed. It was time to go to the castle for this stupid meeting. Me and Draco haven't spent much time together because he was always somewhere. Which is probably a big red flag. I didn't really care though . I trusted him.

"we have to go darling"

"I don't want to" I almost cried.

"please. I'll be with you. Everything will be fine."

We went to Snape's office to use the fireplace for apparition. Amon was there too.

"what's up sis?" he said with a smile.

"I'll crucio you. It's not like I haven't done it before. Bro"

"have you" Draco asked amazed.

"yes she has" Amon almost mumbled.

Then we apparited to the castle. It was really big. Not as big as Hogwarts though.

When we entered I saw my parents standing right in frond of us.

"oh my beloved children" my mum said and went to hug us.

"you've improved your acting skills I see" I mumbled.

"you disrespectful piece of sh-"

"Morana let's go somewhere else." Draco whispered.

We went to the tallest tower.

"I love it here" I said. "it's the only place I can relax"

"its beautiful" he said and kissed me. "well I have something for you"

"what?" I asked him slightly worried.

He smiled at me and he got out the necklace with the black beads and the silver moons I saw one day that we went to Hogsmeade.

"oml. You remembered?"

"I never forgot darling" he answered with a big smile.

"thank you so much" I said and he hugged me.

But of course Amon had to ruin it.

"here you are" he said "I was looking for you everywhere. The meeting starts we have to go."

We went to the big hall and there were a bunch of deatheaters there including Draco's parents and Bellatrix.

I gave Bella a smile and went to sit besides Draco.

"so Draco. How's the task going?" Voldemort asked Draco.

"the what?" I whispered to him in an angry tone.

"I'll tell you later" he mumbled "very good my lord. It will be finished soon"

I knew he was lying.

"good. Morana. Looks like Draco won't need help so you will go with Bellatrix."

"doing what exactly, my lord?" I questioned him.

"killing muggles of course"

"OK" I mumbled.

"you are willing to do it, I see. You are worth of the mark."

"I'll do anything you want but I won't get the mark."

"you don't have a choice" he said angrily.

"i don't car-"


"NOO." Draco shouted.

I was in terrible pain. I felt like my skin was ripping apart.

"STOP IT PLEASE." Draco shouted even more.

"fine. Give me the fucking mark."

When I said that the pain stopped. He came closer to me and took my arm. Then I saw the mark appearing.

I wanted to cry so badly but I didn't let one drop fall off my eyes.

Once the meeting was over I went to the tower with Draco.

"now. You. What task Draco? TELL ME." I shouted.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought you would be fine because your family is deatheaters."

"i don't care about the fucking mark Draco. But where the fuck is the trust? Why did you hide it from me?"

"I'm sorry. Please. It's not like I wanted to do it in the first place." he almost teared.

"what do you mean?"

"my father made me do it. I didn't want any of these"

"oh okay." I said and hugged him. "I'm sorry I shouted"

"no you are not" he joked.

"i know." I said and kissed him.

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