Chapter 10: I'll Be Fine

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I didn't leave him. I stayed with him the whole night. I didn't sleep at all but he was tired and fell asleep right away.

"good morning Draco" I said when he woke up.

"morning darling" he responded and went to the bathroom. "are you ready for class?"

"yes. Are you? You had a rough time last night-"

"look Morana" he cut me off "I don't want to sound bad but I have those panic attacks really often. So your help was somewhat unnecessary. I manage just fine on my own"

"I- OK I understand you but I was just trying to help"

"I prefer being independent" he said while coming out of the bathroom. "c'mon let's go for breakfast"

I gave him a weak smile and we continued walking towards the great hall.

After we ate we went to class. History of magic with the Ravenclaws. The worst combination.

"OK class today I want you to write anything you know about gringotts" said professor Binns.

I was sitting with a ravenclaw, Padma Patil.

"can you stop talking with Lovegood I'm trying to concentrate" I said to her when I saw her talking with the girl at the desk behind us.

I might have sounded mean but whatever.

"miss Donovan detention for speaking with your classmate." professor Binns shouted.

"but professor she didn't-" Lovegood tried to explain. "sorry" she mouthed.

"it's fine don't worry about it." I said to her with a weak smile.

I didn't care about detention. I just wanted everyone to stop talking.

After all my classes were done I went to attend the detention. Professor Binns told me to right an essay about acromantulas. They were one of my favorite creatures so I knew many things about them.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and I saw Draco.

"I'm sorry for the interruption professor Binns but the headmaster wants to see Miss Donovan."

I looked first at Draco and then at the professor with a worried expression.

"Miss Donovan you can go" professor Binns stated and I left the classroom.

"what happened Draco?"

"i got a letter from my mother. You might want to read it."

My dear Draco,

I'm assuming you already know about Morana. Your father and I are suggesting a dinner to get to know her better. I hope your answer is positive.

With lots of love,

"fuck. Your mother really loves you" I mumbled.

"Morana leave your mommy issues out of this conversation. Are we going?"

"um sure... Why wouldn't we?"

"i don't know" he said while we were entering his room "my father-"

"stop Draco I don't care. Really. I'll be fine"

"well I doubt so but.."

"stop. When I say I'll be fine. I will."

"OK. So I'll tell them that we are going. What about next week?" he asked.

"yes that will be good" I smiled and he gave me a hug.

I left his dorm and went straight to mine.

"oh look Pansy" Blaire said the second I entered the dorm "Morana remembered she has a room"

"fuck off" I said laughing. "you are not gonna get rid of me that easily"

"yea. We realized that" Pansy said giggling.

"shut up I'm tired. I'll go to sleep." I stated.

"are you tired from fucking Malfoy?" Blaire looked at me with a smirk.

"shut up we didn't fuck" I said and throw her a pillow.

"control your power you bitch" Blaire almost shouted.

"sorry love" I said with a fake smile.

After that we went to bed. I was thinking about what Draco said about his father the whole time. In the letter I read in Draco's dorm I realized that Lucius could say lies about someone but he didn't leave them an option not to believe his sayings. But then I remembered who my mum is so I'll be fine.

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