"I didn't hurt the little runt. She's awfully clumsy, you might want to work on that." Hastur sneered.

Aziraphale snapped and he punched Hastur right in the nose. Hastur squealed in pain and with a flash of black smoke, vanished.

The sound of a mournful cry filled the abandoned house. "Eden!"

Eden was trembling with fear as Crowley caressed her, whispering words of comfort as she let out another pitiful wail.

Aziraphale ran downstairs straight to Eden. "Oh Little One it's okay, I'm here, you are all right, my, you are so beautiful." Her scales were white as snow, with some black ones here and there.

He stroked Eden's smooth shimmering scales. She was the spitting image of her father.

Eden stopped trembling and finally relaxed and within minutes, she turned back into their little girl.

Her hair was unkempt and her lip was bloody, which Aziraphale healed with a snap of his fingers while Crowley fixed her glasses.

The transformation had worn her out completely and she was fast asleep in Aziraphale's arms as they drove home.

Eden woke up finding herself in her bed, snuggled underneath warm blankets with Ducky. She hugged Ducky close and realized that she was being watched.

Crowley and Aziraphale we're watching her with worried expressions. "Good morning Little One." Aziraphale said softly as he gave her a good morning kiss.

"How are you feeling Eden?" demanded Crowley as he stroked her fiery hair.

"I'm awfully thirsty." Eden rasped, her throat felt like sandpaper. Crowley miracled a glass of water, which she drank down eagerly.

When she finished, Crowley asked, "What the Heaven we're you thinking?"

Daddy only cursed when he was really upset.

"Bella overheard Aunt Anathema and Uncle Newt talk about a demon nearby and I wanted to see for myself."

"Why dearest?" asked Aziraphale.

"I wanted to see if there might be anyone like me. But the one I met, Hastur, scared me."

She remembered that was what Papa had called the demon.

"You are the only one of your kind Eden. And as for Hastur, he can't be trusted, ever, none of them can."

"Okay Daddy." Tears stung Eden's eyes.

"Oh darling please don't cry." Crowley said as he pulled her into his warm embrace.

"I was so scared Daddy..."

After a quick glance with Aziraphale, Crowley said, "He won't ever hurt you again."

"I don't want to be a monster again..."

Aziraphale lifted her chin and stared into her brilliant blue serpent eyes. "Eden Alexandria Queen Fell, you are not a monster. You are our daughter, and you we're absolutely beautiful in your true form.

Daddy has changed into his true form all the time and is he a monster?"

"N-No..." Eden sniffed. Daddy loved to change into his snake form whenever he could, to sleep around Papa's shoulder's and sometimes he would sleep curled up in this form whenever Eden had a bad dream, and he would also make a great Doctor Who monster sometimes.

"And you've seen me in my true form and I can assure you I am not a monster either." Papa revealed his true form when Eden wanted to know what he looked like and it was a very fun day to say the least.

Aziraphale wiped her tears away and said, "Now, I bet you are famished, you've been sleeping for nearly two days." It had been a very worrisome two days.

"Yes Papa."

As Crowley and Aziraphale led her downstairs she asked, "Papa, Daddy, can you teach me how to control my snek?"

They both chuckled, "Of course my dear." Aziraphale said.

Later that night, Crowley was pacing in the family room.

Today reminded him too much of that nightmare that he had nine years ago....and he was bloody terrified.

What was worse is that Hastur knew about Eden now and he would definitely pass it on to his Head Office.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he met Aziraphale's concerned gaze, "Come on dear, it's time for supper."

"Okay angel." Crowley sighed as he followed his husband into the dining room.

Eden was already sitting at the table, stuffing her face with food, she hadn't felt so hungry in her life.

Crowley sat down next to her and watched her enjoy her meal, until Eden realized that he wasn't even touching his food.

"Daddy, are you alright?" she asked, her face covered in mashed potatoes.

Crowley managed a smile as he wiped her face with a napkin, "I'm fine love, just glad you're finally eating something."

First thing in the morning, he would put a ward over the cottage.

The last few hours of the day we're the family tending the garden, the houseplants and eventually settling down and watching the telly, but within a short while on the couch, Eden fell fast asleep in her Daddy's lap.

Crowley carried her up to bed and tucked her in.

He gave her a goodnight kiss and said, "I won't let that monster ever hurt you again Eden. I promise."

He closed her TARDIS painted bedroom door.

He changed his mind, he was casting that ward tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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