New Daycare

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    Eden and Crowley stood outside the new daycare building. "I don't wanna go." Eden said. Aziraphale was already inside talking with the teachers.

Crowley knelt down and met the five year olds scared blue eyes. "Hey, this time will be different Eden. I promise. Bella is here, along with a bunch of other kids who are almost as clever as you. And they don't let little shits like that twat who bullied you in their program."

The fathers came to the realization that they had to try once again to give Eden a chance to socialize with children her own age and not always be playing and talking with animals.

"But you and Papa won't be there....and none of my animals will be there either...." She looked like she was about to cry. Crowley pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, "It's only going to be for a couple of hours, I'll come pick you up and your animals will be waiting for you."

Aziraphale came out of the brightly colored building and rejoined his family.

"Are you ready my dear?" He asked Eden gently.

"O-Okay." She sniffled as Aziraphale picked her up and carried her towards the doors, "Now, I sadly won't be able to join your father when he comes to pick you up due to my book club, but I'll have supper ready and waiting for you. How does crepes sound?"

Eden gave a slow nod as the trio was greeted by the teachers.

Eden greeted each one shyly but politely and was eventually led to her class room.

She waved at her father's one last time before her class room door was shut behind her.

Crowley had arrived an hour early before pickup. He had dropped Aziraphale off at South Downs once he finished his book club meeting and he went straight to the daycare.

They hadn't received any calls.

No news was good news Crowley thought to himself as he hopped out of the Bentley and stared at his watch.

Only five minutes to go....

Finally, it was time for pickup. Crowley entered the building, exchanged a warm greeting with the teacher at the front desk and was relieved to hear that Eden had a good day.

The teacher pointed him to the direction of the playground, where the kids would usually wait during pickup time and smiled proudly when he saw Eden playing with a group of kids. She was making them laugh, and no one seemed to notice her eyes. Which was good, he didn't like seeing her beautiful eyes covered by dark lenses.

Eden suddenly noticed he was watching her. "DADDY!" She shrieked with delight as she rushed to him and nearly knocked him over when she wrapped her chubby arms around his lanky legs.

"Hey there Queenie! Did you have a good day?" He asked she took him by the hand, "Yes! I had so much fun! I made so many new friends! Some of their parents know Papa because of his bookclub, and Bella and me played the entire time too! Oh! I gotta show you something! I made something for you and Papa!" She began to lead Crowley back into her classroom...

"Is it in my cubby?" Eden asked as Crowley helped her put on her backpack.

"No, I don't see it Queenie."

"Oh wait! It's I'm my bag!" Eden exclaimed as she began to spin around. She seemed to forget that she had to remove the backpack in order to get what she wanted out of it.

Crowley stopped her by gently placing his hands on her shoulders, "Woah now! Let me help...." He laughed as he helped Eden slip the bag off of her arms and then she stuck a chubby arm in and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Ta Da! It's us!" Eden beamed with pride at her drawing.

Crowley gaped at Eden's masterpiece. It was a drawing of her, Aziraphale and himself, standing in their very own TARDIS. Well, Aziraphale and him were in the Tardis, Eden had drawn herself standing up to a giant Dalek. She was brandishing her sonic screwdriver, she was even wearing her scarf.

"I'm saving you from a Dalek Emperor!"Eden beamed. Crowley gazed at the picture for a few more moments and gently placed it back into her back pack.

He then scooped her up in a giant hug. "You are absolutely brilliant my sweetpea!" He smothered her in kisses and she laughed. Crowley felt tears coming.

"Why don't we get some ice cream before we head home, to celebrate all of the wonderful things you did today!"

"Yes yes yes!" Eden squealed as she and Crowley finally reached the Bentley.

"Angel we're home!" Crowley called as he and Eden entered South Downs, ice cream still on their faces.

Aziraphale rushed out of the kitchen to greet his family. "Hello my loves, did you have a good day Eden?"

"Yes Papa!" Eden said as she nearly knocked her Papa over when she gave him his hug. He listened with delight as she very quickly retold the events of the day and the she said, "I gotta show you something! I made something for you and Daddy!"

Once again, Eden forgot that she was supposed to remove the back pack off of her shoulders first and once again proceeded to spin around in circles.

Crowley grinned as Aziraphale reached out and helped her out of the back pack and braced himself for his Angel's reaction.

He loved his baby girl so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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