Are We There Yet?

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"Are we there yet?" Eden asked as her parents led her deep into Epping Forest.

"Almost sweetie." Crowley answered patiently. Eden was finally old enough to go much deeper into the forest and she was quite excited.

"You think any of my friends will stop by for a visit?" Eden asked hopefully. It would be only a matter of time before the animals realized that Eden hadn't left the boundary of the forest.

"I'm sure they will Little One." Aziraphale answered.

It was starting to get dark. Eden clung to Crowley. "Daddy, what if we get lost?"

"We won't darling, I can see just fine in the dark, and you can too." Crowley reminded his little daughter gently. He and Aziraphale held hands tightly so they wouldn't get separated.

Crowley knelt down so he could meet Eden's shimmering serpentine blue eyes. "Now, I want you to look straight ahead."

Eden did as she was told, calmed by the reassuring amber glow of her father's eyes.

"What do you see Queenie?"

"A clearing." The five year old replied.

"Then that means we've arrived." Crowley beamed as Eden forgot all about her fear and ran to the clearing, which was now illuminated with fireflies, it was as if they we're welcoming the family to the soon to be campsite.

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