CHAPTER 1: The Zone

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TWO YOUNG MEN WOKE UP IN A QUEER PLACE. A place? No, more of an empty void. Normally, we'd think it is black, but surprisingly, it was white. The world that surrounded them was plain, ultimately plain. Imagine the place you like the most, now, remove all of the trees, houses, sky, sun, clouds, people, things, everything.

In the middle of nowhere, a figure popped up. It had a mysterious yet colorful hat, two pointy ears that you'd think are knives, and green monolid eyes. This divine creature wore white clothing resembling a butler. Its skin was bright orange with a little tint of white.

"Welcome to the Zone," it said, saying with a beaming smile but the sinister voice gave it away. "I'm Lima! The God of Reincarnation!"

A petite-looking middle-schooler with a bob cut bravely asked, "What do you mean by, *reincarnation*?" he said with a concerned look on his face. The cat replied, "It means exactly what it means" it said while looking at the pink-haired high schooler with weird-looking glasses and odd hairpins. The student looked with a sense of resentment in his eyes. Lima felt a shiver down his spine but chose to forget about it.

The kid with the bob cut thought, "How can he still have glasses and hairpins? Didn't he already die? How can he still wear that and how can we still wear our school uniforms?"

Lima read his thought and replied, "Spirits don't have bodies. Meaning, you also don't have. The way you look right now is how you portray yourselves. You can change your appearance here like a girl, a kid, an old woman, anything and anybody!"

Strawberry-head sighed with relief when he finally got the answer he was asking himself. "Anyways, I expect that you both know how you died?" the cat smirked as he said that. The unsociable students both looked down on their feet with a sorrowful expression. They didn't want to talk about it so Lima continued. "I will reincarnate you in a different version of Japan." The students were shocked as if a big planet exploded right in front of their eyes.

"Although, I will take something from you..." the two unliving souls felt conscious of what he said. They were wondering whether it was serious or not. Whether the man standing right in front of them can be trusted. "You won't know until you have reached the age of five in the new world. Now, shall we start the ritual?" Both were rather disturbed when he said that but, there was no sense of malice in his voice. They were scared and yet they nodded to this suspicious God.

The incantation used was unfamiliar to them. The language was incomprehensible. After minutes of hearing that weird dialect, they were suddenly teleported to a strange room. It was big and kind of luxurious because of the fancy lights that surrounded them. They observed the place and found it well-decorated. It was colorful and luxurious, you can nearly smell the scent of money. The bed they were laying on was soft and bouncy. The pillows were cute as of what a baby normally uses. Some bars enclosed them inside. In that instant moment, they realized... they were in an infant's room.

While the newly born babies were puzzled about what was going on, Lima was there watching them from above saying silently, "It will be interesting from now on..."

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