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ETTA AND DRACO ran down the echoey hallway, giggling as they found an empty alcove. They had done this for the past 5 parties this year. They'd spend time with a random person, then find eachother towards the end and spend the rest of the night together.

Draco pushed her into the alcove, attacking her soft lips with hungry kisses. Kissing was the most they had done so far, they spent most of the time doing this.

After an hour of pure making out, their lips were swollen and they decided to go back to the party, which was slowly dying down. Draco went back to Pansy and Etta went up to her room, where she found Alora and Freya sleeping soundly. Kicking off her shoes, she dove into bed. Falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of her Quidditch game tomorrow.


It was a tough game, Slytherin against Gryffindor. Katie Bell and Etta were neck and neck, fighting for the Quaffle. Only one minute was left, Harry and Draco chasing the snitch as it whipped through the air.

"WATCH IT MALFOY!" Blaise's deep voice yelled from far away as a bludger plummeted towards him. Draco staggered, which set him much further back from Harry, who was getting closer and closer to the snitch by the second. Draco was now set off course, trying to find the snitch but the sun shone too brightly into his eyes.


Etta stopped in her tracks. Oh god no. This was bad. She knew how pissed of the biys would get after a major loss, especially if Potter was the cause of it. She started to believe that thelocker room after games was her most dreadful fear. The Gryffindors gathered at the bottom of the pitch, dismounting their brooms and cheering. Overhead, a certain blonde was seen descending into the entrance of the locker room, stomping angrily. Etta didn't know what it was, but she felt the need to stay far away from the temper tantrum. She congratulated Potter and his ginger friends, then made her way to the locker room with the rest of the team. She braced herself when the sticky, hot smell of sweat hit her nostrils.

"Fucking bullshit! Potter's a cheat."

"This game is so fucking retarted."

"Idiots. All of them. Stupid Gryffindors."

Cuss words were native to this room. Every voice could be heard except for Draco's, who was nowhere to be found. Odd, could have sworn I saw him enter. She thought to herself. She removed her equipment, taking more time than necessary. Soon everybody was cleared out except Etta and Blaise.

"If you see Malfoy hiding in hear will you give me a shout Odinson?" His deep voice called front just outside the door. She nodded and made sure he was far enough away.

The sound of water hitting hard tile emitted through the echoey room. Suddenly it stopped. Etta made her way closer to teh showers, knowing she shouldn't. She felt compelled to. His pale back muscles came into view as she turned the corner. He was only wearing a towel.

"Enjoying the view, Odinson?" The blonde said.

"Maybe." She chuckled, not knowing what to say. He turned around, wet hair sticking to his forehead, abs exposed. She held her breath.

"Finally we meet in a place other than the hallway." Draco was now awfully close to her, she didn't even notice how close he had gotten. Her mind was focused on other things.

"How are you Draco? After the game?" Etta mentally slapped herself.

He ran his tongue along his botton teeth, "Malfoy to you. Why do you care." He slid past her, brushing her shoulder and unlocked the locker behind her.

postmortem ~*d.m MARVEL x HPWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt