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Allie McHandy, Gryffindor

Adam Hendson, Hufflepuff

Brent Harvey, Ravenclaw

Breanna Plymoth, Gryffindor

Ben Silverton, Gryffindor

Colin Creevey, Gryffinfor

Cassidy Bridgten, Hufflepuff

Danielle Bridgten, Ravenclaw

Darius Heartfelt, Ravenclaw

Everett Bloom, Hufflepuff

Frederick Weasley, Gryffindor

Franklynn Camet, Hufflepuff

Gregory Johnson, Gryffindor

Gracie Mare, Ravenclaw

Haley Birch, Ravenclaw

Alyrana "Lyra" Odinson, Slytherin

Izabelle Rosslyn, Hufflepuff

Jamieson Wendt, Ravenclaw

Julie Parker, Gryffindor

Karina Kaleson, Hufflepuff

Levon Bloom, Ravenclaw

Lavender Brown, Gryffindor

Caizena "Zena" Odinson, Slytherin

Marigold Kingsley, Hufflepuff

Martin Kingsley, Ravenclaw

Ninette Partridge, Slytherin

Oliver Camelot, Hufflepuff

Orion Sampson, Ravenclaw

Peter Karter, Gryffindor

Penelope Grassford, Gryffindor

Quinton Smyth, Ravenclaw

Riley Triton, Ravenclaw

Rufus Hardton, Hufflepuff

Samantha Clearwater, Gryffindor

Serine Davies, Hufflepuff

Sienna Birchwood, Gryffindor

Tiberius Blanke, Ravenclaw

Tyler Nordstrom, Ravenclaw

Vylette "Etta" Odinson, Slytherin

He stopped reading the long list of his dead schoolmates when he came across her name. His rough fingers traced over the letters. Vylette Odinson, his dead girlfriend. Were they even dating? He didn't know, what he did know was that there would forever be hole in his heart where she used to be. The air was crisp and a breeze toyed with his white hair. It was just getting cold out. He pretended she was watching over him, feeling what he was persistently feeling. Emptiness. Sorrow. Longing. Guilt. Regret. So much regret.. It was his fault that she faced such tragic demise. She was there for him and he had conned her. He remembered the words she said to him that night, just minutes prior.

"It'll always be you."

The words clung to his ears like leeches, sucking away all of his thoughts until she was the only thing on her mind. He thought he was truly alone, gazing at the large stone housing the fifty names. But she was there too. Tracing her skinny fingers along her sister's names. Vylette's sisters died that night too. Lyra was only in second year, and Zena was in her last year. She could see him, but he was forbidden see her. Her death needed to be convincable, so she hid behind her own illusions. Hidden from the ones she loved.

"You coming Malfoy?" Blaise's deep voice rung from down the empty corridor, broom in hand, Enzo on his heels.

"Yeah. Coming." His hand slid off of her name and his mask fell back into place, empty without her.

Blaise walked towards the Quidditch pitch but Enzo lingered. He felt the weight of Draco's heart because he had been feeling the same way. Enzo had loved her too. They both wished that they could have saved her, to rewrite history and have her in their arms.

Freya and Alora, her closest friends, were lost without Vylette. The whole group was in shambles, but they wrote in a diary to her every day, today's entry being Alora's turn;

November 10
Dear Vyllie,

I miss you so fucking much. Words can't describe what I'm feeling, or better said, what we are all feeling. Freya's been spending almost every night in Adrian's room, crying, fucking, trying to forget. I can't believe she saw you die. Enzo hasn't left his room in a week and Blaise has been taking his anger out on Quidditch, mostly Hufflepuffs. Draco's finally coming out of his room. I can tell he's been trying to act okay, but I caught him having a panic attack in the fourth floor lavatory last week. Blaise isn't going to classes, neither is Freya. Nobody has mentioned your name in months, not even a simple "I miss Etta" from Enzo. I'm trying to stay strong for all of us but it's hard when it feels like a lead brick is growing where my heart should be. Things are bad here, they've changed. We need you.

Love you always Etta.

Alora <3

Etta had watched Alora break down in the middle of writing it, tears staining the paper as she poured her heart out. She just wanted to hug her, but she couldn't even know she was there.

It seems as though, when Vylette died, a piece of everybody's souls died amongst them all.

postmortem ~*d.m MARVEL x HPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora