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Peters (pov)

I was in a mythology class when my phone went off blasting the sound of silence. It was my brother Loki, The god of mischief. Did I mention that I am a god? Yeah the god of magic, but I also go by the god of purity and light. 

 I answered the phone on speaker. Peter, I love you. You are the best brother of all time!!!!

What do you want Loki? I'm not helping you kill our brother Thor.

Peter this is serious!

Ok sorry, bro. What's up Loki.

Baby bro, I'm in trouble.

Like what type of trouble Loki?

They are after me.

Who is after you? Loki tell me, please. 

I'm starting to panic that my brother is in danger. I have been told that I'm very protective of my family and friends. I start to feel the magic flowing out of me in the emotional state that I'm in. The lights start to flicker. Great, my magic is messing with the lights again.

The Flame Knight!  

Loki please please be joking.

I'm not joking, we need your help!

Ok where are you, and what do you mean by we?

On the plant of Ice. We as in Thor and Hela.

So you mean to tell me that he is still hunting the four of us. Tell me you are joking. 

 I'm not Peter, he is coming for you next. He thinks we are dead, but he knows that you are still alive.

Loki put me on speaker now!

Ok ok, Peter.

Thor, Hela is this true.

Yes my dear brother you must run and hide. So the Flame Knight won't find you please brother. Hela said

The Flame Knight has been after us as long as I have been alive. This is ridiculous. I'm tired of running and hiding. This is stupid.

Peter!!! Hela said are you still there?'' I'm done with running this is ridiculous. I have been running and hiding for far too long. Peter he is too dangerous don't do it. Thor said Don't forget who killed our Father. Loki said

I love you guys but, I'm not running or hiding anymore.

Students and faculty, please remain calm, But there is a guy on fire outside the cops have been called. Principle Rosalind

Peter please leave. Loki said No! I'm going to face him even if he kills me.   

   I hung up and walked to the door but the teacher stopped me. mister Parker sit down the cops we'll deal with it. No! I changed into my God form with long hair like my siblings and with my clothes from Asgard. I'm Peter, son of Odin. The god of magic you do not tell me what to do. that's our Peter for you MJ and Ned said. Thanks, guys for helping hide the truth. I walked through the door. Walked out of the school, just to see the cops yelling at the Flame Knight. one of the officers looked at me and said get back into school now.

Awww If it isn't the youngest one of the royal family of Asgard. Long time no see.  what has it been like one hundred years? Don't worry you will see your siblings again when I kill you. You will join them in the afterlife. The Flame Knight said

The cop looked at me and started to walk to me. Probably thinks I'm weak, or some child. I stopped him and said don't come near me. I started to levitate. I am Peter, son of Odin the god of magic. I have been running for far too long. I will not run any longer. Let's fight. Just you and me flame Knights.

I used a magic barrier, so no one or nothing outside of the barrier gets affected or hurt. I call upon my staff that my father gave me. It was crafted especially for me.   

I was thinking about how to defeat the Flame Knight. He is a master of flame. Water could work but only on the flames. I can also control fire, but you can't fight fire with fire we would get no were in this fight. I could use my light magic, but that might actually kill him.

Do I really want to kill him? I mean he did kill my father and my mother. He also hunted me and my siblings down and tried to kill us, but I don't want to kill anyone. Then I could use drain it will only drain him of his magic, but it could work. If I drain enough of his magic then I can put him in magic handcuffs that are unbreakable. That might just work.

While I was distracted with my thoughts he threw flames all around and on me.

It was starting to get hot. I was pulled out of my thoughts from the heat. I looked around and saw I was on fire. OH Shit, I used the water in the air and on the ground, To douse the flames. Ok, so at least I'm not on fire.  

I breathe in and out a couple of times. I put my hands in front of me where I stuck my stuff and used the drain. I can see the magic come out of him. It is a lot of power. I must soak up the magic so it has somewhere to go. I see him getting tired, so I switch to only using drain in one hand to make strong non-breakable handcuffs.

I here, do you think that it is an Thors brother. I don't know man just let him do his thing. Someone said.

Stop getting distracted Peter I told myself.

I focused back on the task at hand and see him trying to stand up, so I stop using drain and put him in the handcuffs.

961 words 

Should  I make a part 2 

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