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Peters (pov) requests open

I was sitting in History class learning about the war. when my phone went off, Back in Black played. There is this rule in school if your phone goes off whether it is a call or text you stand up and deal with it in front of the class. Mister Parker answer the phone on speaker now my teacher told me.

It was my dad he never calls me unless it is an emergency. So I answered the phone, but not on speaker.

Peter Benjamin Stark did you sneak out last night?
No, I said. Yea then why was the window open and you and your suit MIA? Ok so maybe I sneak out last night , but what am I supposed to do if someone dies and am not out there to save them?

I understand but you are still grounded. But dad, that is so unfair the twins get to go out and do whatever they want whenever they want. This is stupid. No, they don't dad said dad they went out last night too and I'm the only one getting in trouble

So they were out last night too? Yeah I said I am coming to get you and your siblings and we are having a family meeting.


When I got to the school I went to the front office and asked where my children were. They said, history class. So i walked down H hall and i seen the twins outside the door on there phones so i walked up to them and took their phones.

Hey they both said at the same time. Then they looked up.
Hey dad how's it going the twins said. Lets go. We walk a little bit further and knocked on Mr. Green's door. When I opened the door Peter was smiling at me nervously. Peter lets go now!!

Time skip to home

Peters (pov)

When we finally got home Dad started to talk. Wanda you are the oldest you should set an example for your brothers, or at least Pete. Why did you go out anyway? Dad asked
Well, I wanted to go to the park with my friends. I am sorry dad Wanda said. Ok dad said.

Pietro you might be the middle child but you still have responsibility to do right for Pete. So why did you go out in the first place? dad asked
I was hungry for real Chinese food from china. So i went to china.
You are definitely grounded. Dad said

Now peter you are the only one that did not go out for a selfish reason, so i guess you are off the hook. Dad said
Wanda , Pietro you too are grounded go to your rooms.
Peter why are you still here go to the lab or something.

472 words

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