Chapter 3 Amelie Lavigne

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Emiys Pov

I bring my hand to my hand as I wake up. Ouch. Everything hurts. When I open my eyes I see JJ and Hotch standing besides me.

"Aaron JJ, what happened?" I ask confused

They both look at each other before looking back to me.

"This is gonna be a lot so I just want to warn you. You also might want to sit up for this." Aaron says worried

"Before we tell you anything, you know french right?" 

Why is she asking me this

"Oui je connais français. Maintenant pouvez-vous me dire ce qui s'est passé." 

"Just making sure." JJ puts her hands up as if she was surrendering. "So um this is going to be really difficult to tell you but um s-" 

JJ gets cut off by Hotch. Clearly this is something important that is also time limited. Which is probably why Hotch interrupted her so she wouldn't beat around the bush.

"You injuries were minor Emily." Hotch starts and I look at him. He takes a short pause before speaking again. "Unfortunately" Oh no. "Doyle got away."

I let out an involuntary loud groan and speak louder than I meant to. "FUCK" 

They both look at me with wide eyes before continuing. I can't blame them, normally I can stop myself from getting mad and I never have moments like this. Doyle has hurt me too much for me not to let my anger show though.

"We know he's after you Emily, and we all know he will stop at nothing to make sure you're dead. I am so sorry but the only option for you is to fake your death"

"What?" I ask trying not to laugh, which fails. I start laughing uncontrollably. "Aaron what do you mean fake my death?" I say still laughing.

They don't laugh. They don't even smile.

"You're not kidding" I say as my smile fades into a frown. "B-But what about the rest of the team? A-And my parents? They may be assholes but I still love them. And what about Sergio? I can't leave him alone." Tears start to form in my eyes. "Oh god what about Y/n I can't leave her. She's had so much loss in her life. I know Y/n won't open up to anyone about this. She doesn't like to feel weak. This will destory her."

JJ quickly blurts out with tears in her eyes. "The rest of the team wouldn't know Emily and neither would your parents. I'm sure Penelope would be happy to take care of Sergio. As for Y/n" She looks at Hotch then back at me. "We'll keep an eye on her. Right Hotch?"

He nods.

"Wait the rest of the team wouldn't know? Aaron how can this be happening?" I say in disbelief

"I don't have a say in this, but I do think it's the safest option." Aaron says 

"Will it keep the rest of the team safe?"

"Yes" They answer at the same time

"Okay I'll do it" 

JJ, Hotch, and I are on a plane to Paris, France. I have so many things I want to say and ask but all I can bring myself to do is sit and watch as the view gets further and further away from home, as well as my life. 

"Emily" Hotch says. "Yeah" I say without looking away from the window. "Can you look at me?" I turn to look at him and he hands me three passports and an thick evolope. 

"These are passports from three different countries, and in here is some money to get you started and information to bank accounts that will make sure you live comfortably."

Tears start spilling out of my eyes. Hotch moves next to me.

"I'm sorry Emily I really am. I wish there was another way."



"Is this forever?"

Aaron sighs. "I wish I knew. I really hope it isn't. All I can tell you is we won't stop until we find Doyle."

I nod and look at JJ then Hotch. 

"Make sure Y/n moves on. Send her on dates, or hell if either of you are interested in her go for it. I mean it. Y/n won't want to move on. She's stubborn, but I don't want her to be hurting forever."

They both nod.

We just landed in Paris.

"Okay so your name is Amelie Lavigne, don't forget it." JJ says

"I wish you guys could come with me." I sigh as tears start to fill my eyes again, but I blink them away.

"Me too" JJ says as she hugs me tightly.

JJ and I hug for what feels like forever until Hotch says they really have to go. I hug Hotch tightly before walking off the plane. I wave bye to them and turn around to start my new life as Amelie Lavigne.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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