Sneaky is She

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When dinner came, Lady Dimitrescu entered and saw Stea not at the table. She looked at her daughters then sat down.

"Has anyone seen Stea?" She cut her steak delicately as she looked to her daughters.
Daniela shook her head as she stuffed a chunk of meat into her mouth with her hands. Cassandra shook her head as she ate normally.

"She said she had to meet with someone and that she would meet you tonight for a nightcap if you were going to have one." Bela ate properly like her mother. Lady Dimitrescu nodded as she kept quiet and ate with her daughters.

In the forest, Stea walked but came to a stop as she stood in a clearing. The same clearing she died in. She looked to the tree line as a man came walking towards her.

"Ms. Nordica. I see you're still alive and that she's treating you well." The man stopped a few feet from her. He was in a suit and was dressed like he were a nobleman.

"Yes. I've surprised myself by still being alive. Thank you for meeting me tonight, Lord Beneviento." The man nodded then held out a small box.

"This is it then?" Stea looked the small box over then took it. She opened it and inside was a small vile with a deep red liquid inside.

"Yes. Blood infused with silver. Be careful with it. When it is consumed, it will burn the host and slowly kill them." Stea nodded then bowed her head.

"Thank you my lord." Stea then began returning to castle Dimitrescu with the small box hidden away.

When Stea returned she had been informed that Lady Dimitrescu was in her personal rooms. She made her way to them and knocked.

"Come in." Stea smiled as she heard that sweet voice call out. She entered and closed the doors behind herself.

"I was beginning to worry that you weren't going to come. I even picked my most favorite and treasured bottle. Come. Sit."

Stea sat in the free armchair and watched as the lady herself poured wine for them both. She took notice that she was in a silk black lace and silk nightgown. She had no makeup on and her curls were unpinned. She was beautiful.

Lady Dimitrescu handed her a glass and both of them smelled the wine before taking a small sip to savor the taste. Stea purred as floral notes of rose hit her tongue. She then swallowed as a strong warmth ran down her throat.

"This is amazing. I honestly don't know how you do it. Every single wine of yours that I've tried is always so... perfect." Alcina smiled as she took another sip.

"Thank you dear. It took a lot of experimenting with flavors and such to find the perfect balance."
Stea took a longer sip and let out a soft moan as the warmth ran down her throat again. "The wine is beautiful but it holds no beauty to what I see before me." Stea looked the woman over again. She could never escape it. Even when she's not around Lady Dimitrescu, the image of her beauty haunts her mind.

"You flatter me. Thank you dear. You're quite handsome for a woman." Stea was sitting before her in a modern day black suit that was fit to her body. She had on foundation and contour to enhance her features and that was it. Her hair was always well kept. Shaven on the sides and back and in a perfect bun at the top back of her head.
Stea looked Alcina in the eyes and spoke in a somewhat sensual voice. Not too sensual though. "Ochii tăi sunt foarte frumoși."(you have beautiful eyes)

Alcina smiled as she hummed and sipped her wine. "Mulţumesc frumos." (Thank you very much)

Stea downed her wine and set her glass down to watch the fire. Alcina looked Stea over and found herself thinking of what things would be like. She didn't often think about things like this but when she did she also questioned herself as to why she was doing so in the first place. Stea was confusing to her. A mystery that she was trying to undo. She knew some things about her but not everything.

Stea stood up and took her gloves off and moved to lean down to be inches from Alcina's face. She ran her fingertips along the matriarchs throat and neck. "You bit me this morning. It's only fair if I bite back. So uh..." Stea cleared her throat and leaned in as she placed kisses upon Alcina's neck. The matriarch remained still and closed her eyes at the feeling. She never knew someone to be this gentle, especially another vampire. Stea then ran her tongue along the pulse she found and let out a soft growl. She always enjoyed playing before she bit. She LOVED it. It made her fangs just ache and she relished in the sensation as well as knowing she was flustering the other person. She then bit down and then pulled away not even sucking on the blood. Her pupils dilated as she watched red travel down the matriarchs neck.

Stea pulled away and licked her fangs clean. She closed her eyes as she tasted the very small amount of Alcina's blood from her fangs. She let out a shaky breath as she opened her eyes. Her pupils were blown as she looked into Honey gold eyes.

"Esti frumoasa...." (you are beautiful). Stea spoke breathily then stood up and put her gloves back on.

"Good night." With that she left. Lady Dimitrescu let out a very shaky exhale and a soft moan that she had been holding back. 'what am I going to do with her? She's driving me mad.'

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