||2||Thinking about you ||

Start from the beginning

"I did it. As I said, we are very thankful. But make no mistake, she did her very best to help!" Aria looked passed Izuku and saw the time. "Oh! I must leave. I hope to see you again Izuku!" She smiled leaning down and kissing his forehead.

And then she was gone.

Izuku stayed frozen, red in the face and eyes swirling. It seems he wasn't the only one thinking of the other. Staring down at the bento he picked up a strawberry that seemed coated in something and ate it. Slowly a smile formed on his face and he kept eating.

Woah...it tastes so good! Izuku blissfully thought for once completely ignoring his surroundings and staring classmates.


Tsukiko sat on the bench in the back of the orphanage as she was learning to read. However her mind wasn't on her reading lessons it was on the boy with pretty dark green hair. Izuku!

It was her first time outside the orphanage and her quirk that she's ever willingly approached someone and let them hold her. He felt so warm, he was so kind too! Was it his quirk? To be that warm and kind? Or was it just him? Either way she responded.

In her short three years outside - well she hasn't turned three yet but still- the only people who ever made her feel safe were her caretakers at the orphanage and the people her quirk came with. Everyone else made her feel uncomfortable, which she didn't like. She may not know much but she knew enough to know that when someone denies you food, they are bad, when they lock you in your room after giving punishment, they're bad too.

So far Tsukiko has managed to pick apart everyone who she deemed bad. From a look or a smell or even their expression, Tsukiko deemed them bad and after the first five times her caretakers started taking her limited words for it. This has in the long run saved many of the children's lives, as her 'sight' saw right through the villains in disguise.

The day she met Izuku was one of the rare times she hadn't managed to see through the bad in someone, because the person who wanted to foster her was good, but their environment was not. That person was quickly placed in a hospital leaving Tsukiko at the mercy of the other resident in the house. Or so they thought. They quickly learned that she was far from alone.

She was headed home when she took a wrong turn heading through the longer route where saw him. He was sick she noticed, and he was asleep on a swing. She was worried he'd fall off, instead the rain woke him up but he still didn't move. So she went to him and she was so very glad she did.

Tsukiko snapped from her thoughts at the appearance of Aria. She smiled up at one of her mother figures, even if she was her quirk. Aria stooped to be closer to Tsukiko's height.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's nap time."

"I wanted to know, he take it?" She was curious. The question seeming to pump adrenaline through her letting her power through what was usually her nap time.

"He was very happy you thought of him." Aria moved some hair from out of Tsukiko's face "Now rest." And as if on command Tsukiko slumped, out cold on her shoulder.

Her energy is wasting even when you're using yours. Return quickly, Aria. Another warned to which she gave a mental nod to.

"Understand. Let me get her inside first."

"No need. I'll do it." One of the sons of the caretaker of the orphanage walked over. He recognized the quirk.

"Oh? Thank you. Make sure she rests extra hm? I may have drained her today..." she gave a sheepish smile and in shimmering light she was gone. The boy picked up the toddler and headed inside. A pout on his face.

"I wanted to know who she was thinking of so much that she wouldn't sleep." He looked down at Tsukiko "I wonder if they'll adopt her..?"


Hmmm. I need a schedule for this. 

Now I do have some prewritten chapters but I won't post them one after the next. That's no fun! Therefore after today this story's posting days are in the later half of the week on either Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. If I post not on those day, then that week will be double updates.

P.S; I didn't forget about Todoroki's little sister! I am trying to properly plan out the story to keep as close to how both the anime/manga will be. Just need one last bit of information then I'll get back to writing. As soon as I have the proper plan sorted I'll have the book finished just as fast!

The manga looks like it's almost finished and even if that's not the case I think I'll have the info I want and need soon for both books which will let me know how to properly end them. 

Sooooo sit back relax, read and enjoy the ride this book will surely take you on!

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