Gravel - Becca

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All I needed was him to be distracted enough so I could get hold of that lamp, I knew what I had to do...

I sat back up on my knees and took my bra off, "let me show you Dave what you mean to me" I was doing my most slutty pose, I needed him to just concentrate on my breasts, not what I was about to do.

His eyes grew wide at the sight of me there, only Dave could get turned on by my bruises and having dried blood on my face from where he'd hit me earlier.

I leaned in again to him and he took hold of my breasts and started sucking on my right nipple. I stretched out my hand, I could just reach the lamp. I grabbed it and with all my strength smashed it over his head.

I pushed him away from me, jumped up and ran for the door, flinging it open. I could hear him groaning and swearing as I jumped down the few steps from the door. Somewhere along the way my shoes had disappeared, I was running away from him barefoot. I didn't care about the pain as my feet hit the gravel, or the fact I was half naked.

I could hear him shouting as I darted behind another caravan. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I needed to think of a way out of here. I'd fucking left my phone behind in the caravan. Shit!

I could hear the gravel crunching getting closer to me and I crouched down to look underneath the caravan. I could see a phone's light following something on the gravel. I looked down at my feet, fuck they were bleeding. He was following my trail of blood. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! What the fuck am I going to do.

"Becca... Becca... I know you're close... Come on out Becks, I promise I'm not going to hurt you..."
"Fucking come out you fucking cunt! No one's coming for you" Dave was shouting out into the darkness.

He was getting closer, I had to move further away. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but the gravel just gave me away. I had to run... I could hear his pace behind me quicken as I took off running faster.

FUCK! In the darkness I'd tripped over a power cable and landed face first on a small concrete block where the gas canister would stand. I tried to stand, but my head just started spinning and my eyes wouldn't focus. I shook my head trying to gain some balance.

"There you are" Dave was shining the light on me. I tried to scramble away, but he got to me before I could get anywhere.

Again he pulled me up by my hair and pinned me by my throat against a caravan.

"I knew I couldn't trust you! All you fucking bitches are the same" he had blood down the side of his face from where I'd hit him.

"Your going to pay for that Becca" he spat...

He slammed his hand against the caravan right next to my face making me wince. I looked him straight in the eyes, if he was going to kill me I wanted the last thing for him to remember of me was my eyes burning hatred into him.

"I'm going to do something I should have done already" he pushed me further up the caravan by my throat squeezing the air out of me. I couldn't breath he was choking me. I was trying to kick him, to lash out, but the fight was escaping me just like my breath.

He ripped my knickers apart with his free hand and forcefully pushed my legs apart with his knees whilst pulling his own trousers down. He released his tight grip on my throat, but only enough so I could breath again. The look in his eyes when he pulled me down on to him was purely predatory.

I was hitting him with my hands and screaming, but he just held me there whilst he was inside me. He then pulled back and slammed into me grunting. It knocked the wind out of me. The pain was so intense. He started thrusting into me harder and faster, then suddenly it stopped... He'd gone... I slumped to the floor and tried to look up at what was happening. I could hear shouting and what sounded like a fight. I thought I could hear Tom's voice, and sirens, but maybe I was just dreaming as I passed out on the floor.

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